Monday, February 13, 2023
Daily Teachings of the Masters | February 12, 2023
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Sunday, February 12, 2023
This message has been encoded. Please read this slowly with full faith.
Decide to arrive.
As you decide to arrive
you speed up time.
You are saying "Here I AM."
I AM fully present
and ready to serve
my most high I AM presence
in all capacities now
in all strengths
and aspects of FULL knowing.
(This message has been encoded. It is recommended that you take an extra moment with this one. Really savor its full implication and meaning.
What you are doing is sealing your fate as you merge with your new reality of SELF. Fully present now and ready to be asserted as a statement of your NOW PRESENT reality. As you would have it to be. As you decide to ARRIVE FULLY NOW. In this very moment of accelerated enhancement. Decide to ARRIVE now.)