Understanding Is Generosity | Heavenletters
JAN 9 2023
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
I love questions from your heart. I love it when you tell Me what’s going on with you, what you are feeling, what is important to you, what you are loving and want more of. The intellectual questions are what they are, and yet they are not so revealing of you. They may be a cover-up. In any case, they are a stop-gap, beloveds. They delay your give and take with Me. Your questions of the intellect are like an intermission. They are very intelligent, and yet in intelligence is not where the real meat of life lies.
I sit in your heart as if I were on a swing. I go up and down with you. You take Me to great heights with you, and then you show me the doldrums. Your heart vibrates. Your heart has a primal call.
Your intellect is more like an add-on. It is a clever sort, yet your intellect loves to see itself running from tundra to tundra. Your heart, however, likes to be focused on the giving and receiving of love. Your heart isn’t happy without both giving and receiving, not that your heart spends any time pondering on the receiving. Your heart knows that giving suits you just fine. Your heart doesn’t really quite know the difference between giving and receiving. Your heart looks at love and not at any particular direction love goes in. It is the turning over of love that captivates your heart. From a camera shot of an exchange of love, a gift of love from one to another, the photo doesn’t show who is the giver of the love and who is the receiver of the love. Impossible to tell. There are smiles on both faces.
From a camera shot, all we know that love is being exchanged. Of course, I don’t have My picture taken. I don’t ask to have My love returned to Me. I am so immersed in love I bring that up only to the degree that giving love serves you more than receiving love serves you, serves you more than coveting love, serves you more than hunting for love or demanding it.
Love has no questions. Love is not a reporter asking who, where, why, when, what, how much, how little. Love dives in and asks only to dive, meaning only to love.
You like someone to be generous to you because it tells you that you are loved. You like someone to be kind to you because it shows that you are loved. You have coveted love and you have coveted proof that you are loved. Now covet the giving of love, and give love generously. Give love because you are generous as I am generous.
No longer count love and return only an equal amount. Be generous regardless of how much love someone else spends on you. Give where generosity is not expected. Expect generosity of yourself and expect not from anyone else. If someone has to repay your generosity, how generous have you been?
Give kindness not in equal measure. Give kindness because you like kindness so much, you experiment in being kind. Not for a reward, beloveds. Your reward is in your ability to give kindness, not as a rich man to a poor man but as one who knows only kindness and so is being kind and rewards himself and Me. A poor man is kind to you in his acceptance of your gift.
You give because you want to give. Give that which you especially want. You want someone to be generous to you? Then you are generous in spirit to all who cross your path. How generous it is to be understanding.
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Understanding is Generosity | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/09/2023 09:34:00 PM