Just the facts, David.
By Steve Beckow, January 24, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Archangel Michael: The goal is to reach everybody. (1)
While Michael was saying that nearly a decade ago about the blog, I’d hope it could be said about most lightworkers as well.
If we’re building a world that works for everyone, the goal is to reach everybody. (2)
What would it look like if we communicated in a way designed to reach everybody?
Well, for one thing, language would get real factual real quick. You know those generic, neutral statements accompanying photos, for blind people? They’re factual.
Court proceedings, if integrity is in, are factual. I grew up watching Dragnet. Droned Jack Webb each week: “Just the facts, ma’am.” (3)
The galactic language that embodies this way of speaking is called Perro. (4) It’s a recognized mode of address among civilizations.
Perro allows us to get through the business at hand with a minimum of conflict. It ensures agreement each step of the way so that the final destination does not require a leap.
If we began speaking factually – that is, in Perro – the meme war would die. We’d have to call upon a factual argument rather than verbal theatrics to make our case to others.
We’re ready to become global. Global in the name of truth, love, and peace, not global to dominate and subjugate.
As I said a while back: Global government or global government? Choose. It isn’t the fact that we’re becoming a global civilization that should cause alarm. It’s who’s leading us and how they propose to do that that should.
“You’ll own nothing and be happy.” I don’t think so. Sounds sinister to me.
But you’ll live in a world that aspires to work for everyone? I’m up for that. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Sign me up.
It’d be just like picking up where we left off on Nov. 22, 1963. The day the world ended. The day the suits returned.
We know, as sure as the ground we stand on, that the rising love energies will separate the ascending from the resistant and that the ascending will complete their divine mission of restoring the Earth to perfection.
We’ll go on to create a new region of the Mother’s space, where interdimensionality is the order of the day – for all dimensions. We’ll enter that region as an entire global civilization, going from Third to Fifth-Seventh as one, for the first time anywhere.
I predict all of Earth will go wild with celebration when we realize what we just accomplished. But for now, we’re witnesses to a hidden war for the world. The winning is assured, but the slogging can get tough.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, Nov. 21, 2014.
(2) The context “a world that works for everyone” originated with Werner Erhard.
(3) The man never got ruffled. What, where, when, how, why?
(4) See “Linda Dillon: Galactic Ways of Speaking,” Aug. 2, 2015, in Creating a Global Conversation at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Creating-a-Global-Conversation-R2.pdf