Monday, January 16, 2023

The First Step | Matt Kahn

(Golden Age of Gaia)

(via email)

The first step in forgiveness is having the right to not forgive.

The first step in acceptance is not knowing how to accept.

The first step in happiness is recognizing you’re not meant to be one way all the time.

The first step in empowerment is knowing your mind and feelings are allies, not enemies.

The first step in worthiness is considering how you exist for far greater reasons than anything you can imagine.

The first step in discernment is acknowledging how much better you deserve to be treated.

The first step in courage is recognizing the worst case scenario as more time spent in circumstances you are too afraid to disturb.

The first step in joy is realizing there is something deeper wanting to express itself through you.

The first step in liberation is remembering how your deepest power only has the power to love.

May these words help you remember your life as a journey of radical expansion, guiding you along a trajectory that is never too much for your true self to handle.

May it help you savor and embrace the first step with the utmost compassion for the you transforming within it.

This is the heart of empathic empowerment.

All for light. All for life.

All for Love,
