(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
That ever since you were a child you were frightened into believing that you are not good enough and somehow you had done something wrong.
That you had to find a way of pleasing others to fit in and to be loved
That no matter what you have done, searching for something outside yourself, it could never work nor satisfy your yearning to be Truly seen and to be Loved.
That your Soul Presence (Who You ARE) has never been fully present in your body.
That the fear that is in your body has kept you from being fully Present and becoming the Happy, Playful, Free Soul and HUman THAT YOU TRULY ARE
That you are taking back this Divine Union …..NOW..
This Divine Marriage masculine/feminine, of body and Soul, of Light and Form, of particle and wave, of Child of Innocence and Master Wisdom, melding as ONE.
You are immersed in this entire INVOLUTIONARY continual ‘process’. An absolutely Natural one.
And it inevitability is out of your hands because you are here on an Ascended Planet. You have already, in Truth, made your Choice.
Every frequency that is not aligned to 5D+ has gone except those held in the Auric Fields (and subconsciousness) of the Human consciousness. So it is SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT time.
There is No One to Blame anymore once you realise that you are Soul Being coming into Beautiful HUman and you had a preordained plan TO SHINE as a unique Point of LIGHT in the Mind of GOD on this Precious little Blue Planet.
You as HUman have to take hold of your WILL to focus your entire consciousness, and surrendering the reins on whatever comes up (the “outer) in your life.
And you process your part in the simplest of ways.
Whatever comes up that is not in alignment with Joy, you Observe, you see it for what it is. Your body will tell you. No analysis simply observation in Feelings.
Then watch as it dissolves and this can be very quick.
It will be in your STILLPOINT, in Divine “Neutrality’ that dissolution, resolution, transformation will occur miraculously.
Not “neutrality” really because LOVE is behind it all.
And as it dissolves We say “Thankyou, thankyou, now I Know” and Smile within ourselves.
You are not going Home.
You are COMING HOME to YOU in emBODYment.
Your body KNOWS. It is leading you constantly.
Do the work. There can no longer be any half measure without immediately feeling the consequences.
Light On or Light Off.
Your Choice and nobody else’s.
Conscious, Open, all Embracing FAITH.
And the LOVE THAT YOU ARE applied to the journey of your own experience
I So Love You.
Remember | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/28/2023 10:45:00 PM