Monday, January 23, 2023

Living in the Now | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, January 22, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

To “Live in the Now” is a simple statement and, as with all words and phrases, it holds a superficial, temporal meaning.

But it also holds a deeper, spiritual meaning and that’s what I’d like to look at.

Living in the Now has been debated, questioned, and considered over and over in the spiritual community.

I’ve heard it said, “don’t focus on the past; live in the Now.” That’s true. However, when we really delve deeply into that statement, our past has brought us to this moment, to our now, so the past holds huge importance.

It seems wise to me to honor our past. We lived it.

But it also seems wise not to focus on it – to gently let it go and learn from the richness of that experience long ago or, sometimes, not so long ago.

Placing our attention on the future, whether it be the future moment, hour, day, month or year/years, is usually a waste of energy because when we focus on the now and create our reality, the future seems to take care of itself.

Often thinking about the future can cause worry, anxiety, and stress, which can be detrimental to the immune system. However, at the same time, long-term planning can be beneficial.

Living in the Now simply means placing our total attention and focus on the moment, the nanosecond. Our conscious mind is very powerful and where we place our focus turns out to be how we create our reality.

Whatever energy we send out to the universe is apparently exactly what we receive in return. That’s the Universal Law of Attraction and it works precisely every instant, every millisecond of our existence.

It’s a conscious intention and one that an aspiring Lightworker or Starseed needs to be aware of in order to move up in consciousness and, if they’ve chosen to, to ascend. It’s important even to those who aren’t consciously aware of who they are and where they’re from.

It’s helpful in anyone’s daily life because, when we focus on the positive, that’s what and how we live. It means we’re creating a positive reality for ourselves and truly is a miraculous tool for anyone to make use of.