It Is Time to Be Free
You are far more than you are living right now. Our function is to introduce you to the real you. In order to do that we have to encourage you to notice, then dissolve these limiting patterns of thought and behavior, these limiting feelings that you carry inside you. So when you give yourself time in the moment, or when you sit down later ask that feeling to get stronger, really ask for yourself to experience it all. By this we are saying to you: be a witness. We are not asking you to relive a painful experience from the past. Simply recall it as if you're watching a movie, because in truth, that's all it is now. It is a memory of an experience from your past. Ask to see it clearly, ask to be aware of the feelings that you went through as that little child. And from your adult perspective understand what was really happening, understand that it was not your fault, understand that you were programmed by your parents, by your schools, by your societies, by your religions and none of those things were you.
And so, ask to feel it, to see it, to understand it and then when you have the full understanding, thank that experience for it is a growing experience. It has benefited you in some way or other. And if you can see the way it has benefited you, beautiful! After really appreciating that limitation, then you ask your guides, "Please assist me in dissolving this limitation from my energy field, from my physicality and support me in replacing it with my truth about that situation, whatever it might be!" Ask your guides to assist you in dissolving it and replacing it with your truth about that situation. This is so important at this time. It is time to be free because so much is waiting for you. So much experiencing of other realities is waiting for you. Other abilities are waiting for you.
Beginner's Guide to Interdimensional Bilocation
104 Session 2 Full Audio, Thanksgiving, 2022
It is Time to be Free | Alcazar Quotes
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/26/2023 03:41:00 PM