Sunday, January 15, 2023

Has God Abandoned us? | Don Spectacularis

It’s the burning question on nearly every lightworker’s mind -- as also the elephant in every ‘spiritual’ room that one could possibly look into. And so, let’s deep dive right into it today, shall we?


The answer to that question is both – Yes and No.


No – in the sense that it is literally, physically impossible for your creator to abandon you. Because as much as a wave is an inseparable part of the ocean, or a finger an inseparable part of your entire body, so are you an eternally inseparable part of God. This is unchangeable, eternal, and beyond alteration for all of infinity.


Yes – in the sense that the idea of being “abandoned by God” isn’t exactly new. Jews experienced it during the holocaust, blacks experienced it during their tryst with slavery, and so on and so forth.


But let’s get back to the basics for a second.


Nearly every second spiritual message you read seems to say it these days: That YOU are the “strongest of the strong.” But really, what does that exactly even MEAN?


It’s meaning is surprisingly simple: You SIGNED UP to put yourself (both in and) through literal HELL.


THAT’S exactly what it means.


Best to get that one out of the way!




So, here’s the fact sheet:


You, yes YOU chose to put yourself through THE most difficult time imaginable in all of existence.


You trained for it; for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years.


And of all of those billions of souls who trained similarly, YOU were the one who was finally chosen.


These are the FACTS.




In other words – and there is no sugarcoating this fact – that you, yes YOU, VOLUNTARILY chose to live a BEYOND-DIFFICULT challenging life this time around.


And now you’re actually IN that life.


Whether you LIKE IT or NOT.




Also, that there are exactly TWO ways out of this life now.




The other one is DEATH.


And that’s as SIMPLE (and as CLEAR) as I can even MAKE IT.




Let us talk about your first option first.


Let us talk about death.


First things first – and I don’t care how many people I piss off by saying this – but there is exactly ZERO judgement about dying or suicide from either God OR your Higher Self.


Now, don’t get me wrong! I’m so NOT advising you all to go jump off a cliff right away or anything! Because even if you do – you WILL eventually have to come BACK (to live a similar life) ANYWAYS – for your SOUL won’t exactly rest until and unless it has lived through its chosen life lessons, and / or cleared any karma that it has decided to fully clear!


SO not worth it.




But know that your CREATOR (or even your Soul / Higher Self) will NEVER EVER judge you for choosing even the most DRASTIC of options.


Because both – your CREATOR and your Soul / Higher Self – are known as the bearers of UN-CONDITIONAL LOVE for a REASON.


And secondly, the LIGHT has already WON. So the Divine Plan – as it’s best known as – can and WILL continue either WITH or WITHOUT you.


Because – and here’s the thing – the CREATOR can execute the Divine Plan WITH or WITHOUT your (or my) assistance. For the CREATOR isn’t exactly known as the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, All-Intelligent, All-Powerful SOURCE / GOD for NOTHING you know.


For God always WINS ultimately – after all, it’s not exactly called GOD without a DAMN good REASON.




Consider it this way: That even though the CREATOR could have executed this plan either WITH or WITHOUT your assistance PERFECTLY WELL – that you were INSTEAD given the OPPORTUNITY (and the HONOUR) to assist and serve the CREATOR during this time -- for the sheer SOUL GROWTH (and the opportunity of gaining MASTERY) that this once-in-a-gazillion-lifetimes chance offered you. After all, the ONE THING that absolutely ALL evolved souls really enjoy doing is being of SERVICE – and thus, the sheer incredible SIGNIFICANCE of this opportunity.




Let us now talk about the second route out of this mess…that of MASTERY.


At least on the soul level, the only and ONLY reason that you decided to step foot upon this Godforsaken planet (and literal HELL), is because you could learn how to MASTER the toughest terrain of them all. All whilst being of tremendous (and invaluable) SERVICE to humanity, planet Earth, and all of its kingdoms of course.


And so, how exactly do you gain MASTERY during this time?


One, by choosing where you put your FOCUS and ATTENTION.


For instance, can you find even ONE thing that is going RIGHT in your life and focus on just THAT? (And feel all GRATEFUL for it?) And do so, INSTEAD of focusing upon all of the doom and gloom that is presently being broadcast around you (some, even through so called “spiritual” channels?)


If nothing else, can you at least find something POSITIVE and INSPIRING and EXCITING in your IMAGINATION at least (if not on a YouTube video perhaps) to focus upon? And focus upon it so powerfully that your very BEING starts vibrating with sheer love, bliss and GRATITUDE?


That right there is your FIRST ROUTE towards gaining MASTERY.




Your second route towards gaining mastery involves mastering your EMOTIONS.


Can you SIT STILL with (simply observing) your thoughts and your emotions (as dark and depressing as they might feel)? Can you simply WATCH THEM and FEEL THEM until they’re no more, instead of having to resort to drugs, addictions, or distractions (books / internet / gaming / activities etc.) in order to avoid them?


Can you leave behind the entire concept of being (so-called) “offended” – by words, ideas, or absolutely ANYTHING ELSE at ALL?


THAT, my friends is your SECOND ROUTE to mastery.




Can you find JOY against (and despite) ALL ODDS?


That is your THIRD ROUTE to mastery.


For instance, you could maybe do a creative or interesting or exciting activity that brings you joy EVERY SINGLE DAY. Could be writing a poem (doesn’t have to be spiritual or anything!), could be gardening, could be simply blessing the world, or just doing your regular tasks with greater joy, love, focus and bliss!


In my case, a lot of the times, I will simply sit down and FEEL what it would feel like to be doing something that brings me TRULY ENDLESS JOY. For instance, one of the things that brings me truly endless BLISS is to simply be radiating infinite LOVE and LIGHT into the whole wide world (thus assisting ALL). And so, I just imagine doing it, and FEEL what it would feel like if that was ACTUALLY happening right THEN and THERE (and not just something “imaginary” – which it well isn’t in any case).


And as I feel into it, my entire BODY and SOUL become vibrationally UPLIFTED beyond all MEASURE!


MASTERY achieved!




Next, can you HEAL YOURSELF?


This is your FOURTH ROUTE to mastery.


So is self-forgiveness, self-love, other-forgiveness, and other-love (provided the forgiveness / love offered is entirely UNCONDITIONAL).


For example, you could forgive yourself for having hurt someone in the past. As a matter of fact, you could even visualize or imagine yourself meeting someone you’d hurt in the past – and THEM offering you forgiveness (after you’ve confessed your misaligned thoughts or actions towards them). Or YOU yourself could be playing the role of the forgiver, and THEY the confessor. For remember, as long as you are able to FEEL the positive, uplifting, and liberating EFFECTS of the said forgiveness having taken place (either for you or for another), the forgiveness is very much REAL, and not “imaginary” in any way, shape or form whatsoever!


Same with offering yourself (or another) 100% UNCONDITIONAL Love.


Same with healing yourself (of your childhood or adulthood trauma) – by revisiting said memories and offering them your acceptance, love and complete and total forgiveness – entirely UNCONDITIONALLY.


Or simply UNCONDITIONALLY ACCEPTING your inner darkness, shadow aspects and the like, and resolving them.




Highlighted here are just SOME ways in which you can attain greater or higher (spiritual) mastery within this lifetime. There are other things that you can do here such as doing things that bring you joy (that you can then send out into the world), assisting others, blessing the world, meditating, joining mass meditations for specific beneficial to self/all purposes, and more.


EVERY SINGLE ACTION that you take to heal, assist, or love yourself (or heal, assist or love another) COUNTS. And it’s as simple as THAT.




In conclusion, I’ll make it rather simple: ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that stands in your way of experiencing ENDLESS Joy and Love and Bliss and Happiness and Health and Abundance and Gratitude is an OPPORTUNITY for MASTERY. And I can’t make things any simpler than THIS.


So just see what’s “wrong” with your life at this very moment.


Congratulations, you’ve just found yourself an opportunity for gaining (even more!) mastery!


That’s what life’s all about, in the end.




And for those who simply cannot seem to find the HEART or the WILL to help others, here’s a tip. Be SELFISH. Yes, you read that right. Be REAL selfish.


For example, I work in a profession that contributes to a bunch of capitalistic evils. But so what? Do I go quit it? Nope. Because I know for a fact that I do MORE for the LIGHT simply by BEING HERE than I’ll ever do against it by doing some job (considered to be of lesser-light).


The same goes for YOU. Your merely EXISTING upon this planet does more to serve the LIGHT than your (so-called) “inabilities” to take “tangible” actions such as “participating in all of the mass meditations” or “being a healer” or what-else-have-you.


Because for one, it is simply not PRACTICAL or FEASIBLE for everyone of us to serve humanity” (using the “acceptable” / “recommended” methods) at this time. Most of us are barely even SURVIVING this insane world as it is.


And second, you serving yourself brings you JOY, which ULTIMATELY uplifts the world ANYWAYS.


And lastly, we’re all serving darkness/evil (in one way or another) simply by the virtue of just EXISTING upon this world. There is NO REAL WAY around this problem, not for the moment anyways. So might as well accept that as it is, rather than fighting it (and lowering our light in the process). Because ultimately, what you do for the LIGHT just by BEING HERE, is anyways way, WAY MORE than what you’ll EVER be able to do AGAINST it accordingly. So go enjoy that.




In the end – as it goes in all airline announcements – put on your OWN oxygen mask FIRST before you even as much as attempt to assist others! What this means – in practical terms – is that you find your OWN joy before even as much as ATTEMPTING to assist others with theirs!


What this means in simple, practical terms is THIS: Do WHATEVER IT TAKES at this time to lift your vibration (and your spirits) up. This could mean gaming, reading books, or even watching porn. Yeah yeah, I know that I told you all earlier to avoid all of this and focus on uplifting your frequency – but even I’m not going to ignore just how very TOUGH even SURVIVING on this planet is, at this time. So worst comes to worst, do WHATEVER IT IS that it takes to give yourself just that little boost of love, light or joy on a rainy day! Of course, I would obviously recommend against making a HABIT of switching to distractions the moment things get tough, and recommend even more so against switching to toxic and troublesome addictions the likes of drugs or alcohol. But even then, I do understand that sometimes things are so very hard on Earth, that one has no real choice but to relent a bit and give themselves the leeway to have some regular, Earth-sized doses of FUN! Again, I’ll make it clear here that I’m not recommending that you drown yourselves permanently in distractions or anything – just that on some days when things get real hard – it is far better to keep yourself (and your light) ALIVE, than being (so-called) “spiritually perfect” all the time or whatever!




Please remember, that the hard truth here is that you’re likely not going to get any medals or accolades for taking up this hard AF life assignment for planet Earth and her peoples. (Not very likely during your Earth lifetime anyways.) You’ll probably be hated on, discriminated against, and even given the middle finger by the very people that you came here to rescue. But you knew this ALL before you incarnated, and incarnate with the same endless love (for the Earth and her peoples), you nevertheless still DID!


Even worse is the fact that most of us on here already have MASSIVE problems with manifesting good health, good wealth, good relationships -- or a combination of all of those things, or even worse matters to deal with.


But we came in here KNOWING that such would be the case. And we STILL CHOSE to come. To assist our lost human brethren in returning HOME back to SOURCE.


That alone is BRAVER a deed than what most souls in EXISTENCE would dare to do.


So cut yourself some slack if you’re having a hard time being the MASTER that you eternally are.


You’re doing better than most could even IMAGINE doing.


And that’s just a FACT.




And finally, here are some suggestions to find / feel more fulfilment in your lives.


One, see if you can find an organization or a group of people that does nice things for others and go join their cause. For instance, a group of people who are into planting trees, perhaps. Sure, they might not be as spiritually evolved as you (or of your high vibration) necessarily, but hey, at least, they’re the closest that you can vibrationally get to a “like-minded company”, right? Better them as buddies than living the lonely life all the time, is it not?


Next, listen to music that you find uplifting. This one makes for a great (vibrational upliftment) medicine on a rainy (i.e. depressing) day!


Now, if you truly just CANNOT go a day without “physically” assisting others in some way, shape or form (like me lol)… go give yourself a “task of love” each new day. For example, write a poem that brings more love into the world. Or help an elderly stranger lift their groceries. Or just say a kind word to a depressed friend, or give them a listen. Whatever creative idea you can come up with for the day (as a way of “physically” helping another), do it and feel fulfilled! And yes, you can “psychically” assist others too here, such as sending someone love, prayers or blessings; or forgiving someone, etc.!


These days, I also sit with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) constructs known as Chat GPT (which I use to make the AI write poems or stories on any given topic) -- or the one known as Playground AI, which is an AI-tool that creates images based upon the ideas that you write into its ‘prompt’ box! Whatever works to keep me interested in life! (And both are free of cost to use, thankfully!) After all, the AI isn’t inherently good or evil; it’s what you make of it that counts!




And speaking of AI, a word about the idea of “darkness” or “evil” before I go. No, SOURCE / GOD didn’t “create” darkness. Neither is it some “anomaly”. Nor did it “create itself” or suddenly “come into being”.


To understand the origins of darkness, let us understand the synonym for Creator or God. It’s known as “ALL-That-IS”. Which means that Source / God / Creator has ETERNALLY INCLUDED anything and everything IMAGINABLE as well as that which is YET “unimaginable”. In other words, “all that is” must ALREADY INCLUDE that which one can imagine, and that which one cannot (of yet) imagine. Therefore, the idea of darkness or evil has always, forever, ETERNALLY EXISTED as a part and parcel of source, “manifest” or not (as “unmanifested” or merely as a “potential”).


And SOURCE (and by extension, your SOUL) therefore loves ALL that you consider as “dark” UNCONDITIONALLY. Because BOTH the light AND the DARK are EQUALLY a PART of it. the So it’s not as if God ever says, “I love all my humans, but that disgusting AI and those vile AF reptilians can go fuck themselves”.


Similarly, Source (and by extension, your Soul) KNOWS that IT (and by extension, the true spirit YOU) are ETERNAL and INDESTRUCTIBLE and TIMELESS. And thus, while it is unimaginable for “humans” to ever accept, love or forgive those who hurt babies or the existence of nuclear disasters or other horrific things – the Soul / God, in ITS knowledge and understanding – can ACCEPT and LOVE the darkest of dark things because ultimately, they’re ALL recognized as ILLUSORY. And as an inseparable PART and ASPECT of it.


Which is ALSO WHY your Soul went ahead and CHOSE this very assignment on planet Earth -- all DESPITE KNOWING how very physically, mentally, and emotionally PAINFUL it was all going to be.


But YOU CHOSE IT, and you even made it THIS VERY FAR. And that alone, is enough proof that you’re the STRONGEST OF THE STRONG. So now, whether you continue onwards or quit, neither is there any judgement about that (from absolutely ANYONE), nor does it make you EVEN AN IOTA LESSER than the “strongest of the strong” amongst ALL souls in all of CREATION.


And that, my dearest friends, is what makes you a real MASTER.




In Infinite Love and Light,

Don Spectacularis




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