Monday, January 16, 2023

From Where Fear Comes | Heavenletters

From Where Fear Comes | Heavenletters

JAN 16 2023

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

When you lay yourself down at night to sleep, you don’t have to ask Me to keep your soul safe. Beloveds, your soul is already safe. Your soul can only be safe.

There is something you do need to be kept safe from, and it is not death, beloveds. While you are on Earth, there is one thing to be en garde about. Just one thing to be kept safe from, and that is something you have a million of, a million of over and over again. I speak of your thoughts. I would spare you from your thoughts, your mingling meddling cautionary thoughts. Your thoughts have become like a gang of hoods that stick their foot out to trip you. These bullies follow you around every corner.

All your fears are thoughts, and fearful thoughts are the danger I would save you from. Some of your thoughts make you seethe and blow up, and other thoughts freeze you, and you are frozen. From your thoughts, you quake and tremble. The bogeyman exists. He blows himself up into thoughts of fear and pretends to be your friend. What a huge shadow your fearful thoughts cast. No wonder you are frightened. You are impaled by fearing thoughts. They would reduce you to timidity.

Consider your thoughts a high-priced consultant you have hired. If you were thinking aright, would you really pay a high price for a consultant who warns you over and over again of what to be afraid of and forgets to tell you which way to go? “Don’t go there,” your repetitive mental consultant says. “Whatever you do, watch out. Watch out here. Watch out there. Watch out everywhere. Don’t take a step without warning sirens.”

Hire a different consultant who will calm himself and take you on a different track. Hire a consultant who will say: “Hey, stop looking for the brambles. Don’t worry about falling on slippery ice. Think of skating. Do not spend your life tying the laces on your skates. Enjoy skating.”

Beloveds, when you walk through the fields of life, don’t send mine detectors out in front of you to prevent life. The mine detectors are the trap. Beloveds, let not “Caution above all” be your theme song.

If you are going to spend your life playing the odds, you stack the odds against yourself. Frantic thoughts countermand your life. The art of playing the odds often prevents you from betting.

Your fear thoughts rage: “Wear a coat, or you’ll catch cold. Don’t smoke. Don’t be early. Don’t be late. Watch out for germs. Don’t talk to strangers. Be careful. Above all, be careful.”

What do all the preventions prevent but life? What are all the preventions but ideas? They are ideas of cause and effect. They are conclusions your mind has come to that you accept as fact. You have been going around in a rotating door of your thoughts. No wonder you have been afraid. You have wrapped fears around your neck like a scarf. What are fears but restrictions you have put on yourself?

Prevent dangers by putting less attention on them. Do not foresee danger right and left. Sense of danger is a dinosaur. It is a dragon shooting fire. Danger does not have to follow you all the days of your life. You can get up and leave it. Stars are supposed to star in your life, not danger. Let stars not fears be the magnets that pull you to them. Down with fears. What are fears but thoughts out of proportion, fearsome thoughts magnified and put on slide after slide and projected onto the world before you?

Get up from your fears. Shake them off. Bid them adieu. And mean it.

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