(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
Free free energy
We the People of the world demand immediate release of all technologies that benefit human kind.
We demand immediate access to suppressed patents that have been kept hidden from the public.
We demand immediate release of ideas that will free our society’s dependence upon petroleum companies.
We demand any and all ideas, inventions or technologies in existence, be made available for immediate access.
We will not continue to be enslaved by high energy costs, controlled and manipulated consumption options and paying for-profit corporations from natural resources, that are the rightful property of all people, even while being unnecessary.
We the people of the planet demand unencumbered access to all resources and ideas as a common source in order to meet the people’s basic needs.
Any invention that gives the people a betterment of living conditions should not be withheld.
It should be made available to the free market for equal access, equal production and broad distribution.
Big oil and gas oligarchs have made the world dependent upon limited products and technologies.
Any technology that has been withheld that bypasses this system should be released immediately.
We the people demand our right to these technologies.
If there is an engine that runs off water. We demand the immediate implementation of its production into usable infrastructure, be it vehicles, heating and refrigeration, powering of the grid or independent home generators.
If Tesla technologies exist that will replace the current oil dependent grid. We demand the advancement and placement of this technology into our infrastructure as a benefit to all and not as for-profit and controlled by corporate business.
If there is any patented or non-patented idea that will provide this advancement, We the people demand it should be allowed to come forward without harm or death of the inventor , writer, producer or manufacturer.
We can move away from injuring GAIA and harmful mining or fracking practices by the release of these ideas.
We do not need to be given ultimatums to move away from gas into electricity when the systems are essentially the same.
We do not need to be gaslighted by big business or by governmental agencies who push an unwarranted climate change agenda.
We do not give consent to being taxed, overcharged, manipulated and profited from while our basic needs are at risk and often are not met.
We have the right to choose how we want to build our power grid.
We have the right to choose from whatever technology will benefit us.
Ideas will not be suppressed any longer.
Our brilliant inventors will not be killed any more.
We will not be enslaved any further.
Release the free energy technologies now.
We the People of Earth have spoken.
Let it be so.
Digger 2023
Anyone and everyone who feels moved by this edict, please join with me in getting this movement into action.
Share, redistribute, add, write your own. Take action. We need us now.
Free Free Energy | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/02/2023 10:00:00 PM