Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Enjoy the Ride | The Creator via Jennifer Farley

Enjoy The Ride

JANUARY 24, 2023

(The Creator Writings)

Big changes are afoot, my child! Brace yourself, buckle up, batten down the hatches, and tie it down if you choose not to lose it…but, it will be happening. If you have been experiencing the slightly uncomfortable stirring in your core, this is a signal from The Universe that it is about to begin! Do not panic; these movements are the old beliefs you hold that need release, and it is time to let them go. You cannot move forward with them. Just like a ride on a bumpy road, once you get past the rough spots it makes the smooth parts even more enjoyable. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner