Monday, January 23, 2023

Connecting Past-Life Dots | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, January 23, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Watching Unsinkable (1) last night has stirred up some things in me.

I was already beginning to connect some past-life dots, but the movie raised more of the picture to my awareness.

I had a past life as a military commander many centuries ago. The commander was full of anger and hatred toward his enemy.

I now see the traumatic things that happened in my early childhood as having occurred to pull the ripcord on what is essentially past-life anger and hatred and get that going again in this lifetime, for resolution.

My Dad became a stand-in for the past-life enemy and I became implacable in my anger.

After watching the film (Unsinkable), I saw that I had made a subconscious decision: “I will never forgive you, Dad.” Well, that’s the same decision, with changes, that the commander made.

Michael and I have a signal for when I say something true. I’m getting that signal. Thank you, Michael.

Until proven otherwise, I accept as provisionally true that the tremendous anger that I felt for most of my life was in effect past-life anger and that my Dad was just a stand-in.


(1) UNSINKABLE: The Secret to Bouncing Back (The Movie) , at