Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Celebrate Who you are | Alcazar Quotes
Celebrate Who You Are
You are advanced spiritual beings. If you are hearing these words, you have been brought to them because you are an advanced spiritual being. The mind might say, "That's ridiculous. Look at me, look at my life, so many things not functioning right". Beloveds, you chose difficult life experiences intentionally, knowing that you would be shut down through those experiences. [You knew that] you would be limited in many ways and at a certain point this powerful spiritual being would say, "Enough!" And you would start to change. You [would] start to lift your energy up and dissolve all those difficult living situations that you have been through. You would start to appreciate the moments because of the growth that is happening for you. You would free yourself from those restrictive patterns.
And when you do that, you have fulfilled one of your purposes of being born into that difficult life situation. You chose it in order to be shut down by it and then to find your way out of it.And as you find your way out of it you are creating an energetic pathway for those with similar situations who do not have the abilities that you have. You are making it easier for them to follow. You are creating a pathway in the morphic field of humanity. So celebrate who you are and the gifts that you are bringing. Do not judge yourself harshly for your limitations. Recognize who you are and why you have them, because you are working on behalf of humanity. So by freeing yourself you are offering freedom to others. It is that simple, it is that beautiful. And this is why, Beloveds, we honor each and every one of you on your own particular life's path.
Beginner's Guide to Interdimensional Bilocation
104 Session 2 Full Audio, Thanksgiving, 2022