Attracting Genuine Love
Love yourself. Love your inner child, because then you start to feel loved. When you feel loved, you are no longer coming from lack. When you are coming from lack, you attract quite often a superficial love. And that superficial love comes with demands on how you have to be in order to receive that superficial love. When you truly love yourself, you start to radiate love and others are attracted to that genuine love. And then friends, close friends, start to appear in your life. Partnerships appear in your life. Life suddenly becomes more joyful for no apparent reason. You are going about your day and suddenly you are overwhelmed with joy for no apparent reason. It is because you are touched by a wave of joy, by a wave of self-love, by a moment of amazement. By the beauty of this world or whatever. For each and every one of you it is so important to start loving yourself.
The Beginner's Guide to Interdimensional Bilocation
402 Session 1 Full Audio - Thanksgiving, 2022