By Steve Beckow, December 20, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
What is it about the use of force to make a population adhere to the will of a dictator that causes it to ultimately fail?
The Company of Heaven discusses the matter. Let’s start by looking at the fact that evil constructions and other false grids do not have the wherewithal to last. Sanat Kumara explains:
“You may see momentary creations – and I am not saying they cannot be absolutely horrific, and that is on a spectrum – but they do not endure and they do not create, not only sustainability, but what we would call building…it does not build upon itself. It does not gain legs, as it were, when it is built upon what you think of as the false grid that has been so entrenched in the human condition for so long.
“That is why you see these creations, whether they are economic systems or war machines or gender inequality, why they cannot sustain themselves because they are not anchored in the fuel of the universe and in the essence of you, sweet angels. They are not anchored in love and they certainly do not come with an aura of joy.
“Now the creator, whether it is a Hitler or an Idi Amin, may think that they feel a moment of joy…which is truly simply the rush of power and the abuse of power…that is not divine, that is of the lowest human vibratory rate.
“And when that type of creation takes place, it brings, not only the individual but the collective down, it lowers the collective frequency and that is why that type of creation, in fact, fades away because it is not sustainable.” (1)
That may have been a question on many minds. Why did the Nazi war machine fail? Why did Stalinism fail? Fascism? None of them was built on a foundation that was sustainable.
At the same time, the Divine Mother tells us that even the most grotesque and horrible acts are ultimately cries for love:
“In the blowing up of a bomb, in racial, gender, or national hatred, in hatred of your child, hatred of your next-door neighbor, in cruelty, in anger, and fear – what are these except desperate deviations? …
“There is not an aberrant action that is not a desperate gesture to get back to the love.” (2)
Our loving them awakens the light and weakens their intentions.
What is the role of the ego in the rise of dark behavior? Jesus explains:
“Your ego is a part of you that appears to be split off, separate, and which runs with its own fear-filled and self-centered agenda, thinking that it can destroy the opposition and rule the world.
“Most humans discover its limitations during childhood and learn to negotiate with other egos to form alliances, easing the terror of separation or loneliness.
“But a few will not negotiate or compromise and are either quickly defeated or rise to become dictators of one sort or another as their egos take complete control of them – gurus, father figures, industrial bosses, politicians, church leaders – and spend their earth lives sowing seeds of distrust and betrayal as they attempt to achieve positions of power that they think will make them invincible.
“Of course they cannot succeed, but they frequently convince others that safety can only be achieved by holding positions of authority backed up by the force of arms.” (3)
The disposition of the dark to control others simply leads to breakdown, the Divine Mother tells us, in answer to a question on what is happening in the world:
Divine Mother: It is the last tantrum. It is the destruction of the illusion and the exposure on many, many fronts of what hatred and greed and abuse looks like.
Because, even for those who are acting as the players in this [dark] part of the unfoldment, it is painful for a being that seeks power for themselves or power over another, whether it is a parent over a child, a husband over a wife, a man over an army. It matters not. The yearning [for], the exercise of control never gives joy. The pain simply grows. And so the actions become more grotesque, larger, until the breakdown is and has been and will be occurring.
So, you observe this and you certainly intervene where you can and where appropriate and you send the love. But you do not engage in the process because you want, and I want, that breakdown to occur. (4)
She reminds us that it was never her intention that darkness triumph:
Divine Mother: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies takes place. That is not the Plan.
I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (5)
By “integration of the various galaxies,” she’s referring, I believe, to the rest of the universe following us into the new space she’s creating. (6)
Mike Quinsey’s source informs us that
“The Light will always be victorious over the dark Ones. Even at this time they are being removed and placed where they can no longer cause great harm to you. The war between the dark and the Light for control of the Earth is destined to soon be brought to a conclusion. The outcome has always been predictable even if momentarily the dark Ones seem to be in the ascendancy.” (7)
Matthew Ward suggests that the day of the dictators is over:
“The day of dictators is over and so is the day of supporting those dictators for self-serving reasons. The day of exploiting Earth’s resources without regard for environmental destruction is over, as is the day of the wealth of the world in the hands of a few. Everything based in darkness is swiftly coming to an end.” (8)
So darkness and the rise of evil behavior is not in the Mother’s Plan and is not going to be the basis upon which her new space and new species – homo universalis – are to be created. Darkness will swiftly come to its end.
The day of evil, force, war, etc., is over. It’s taking the dark forces time to acknowledge that and surrender their grip on the planet’s systems. But doing so is inevitable.
And, finally, taking the planet down with them will not be possible. There’ll be no “Nero Decree.” (9) There’ll be no nuclear Armageddon. (10) Where they go, one by one, they go all. The cycle of evil on Planet Earth, we’re told, will end.
(1) “Sanat Kumara: Creation, Universal Law, and the Divine Qualities ,” Dec. 3, 2017, at On the Importance of the Universal Laws at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/On-the-Importance-of-the-Universal-Laws.pdf.
(2) Here is the full quote:
Steve Beckow: What does it mean in a world where everything is love that there could be something that isn’t of love?
Divine Mother: In the blowing up of a bomb, in racial, gender, or national hatred, in hatred of your child, hatred of your next-door neighbor, in cruelty, in anger, and fear – what are these except desperate deviations?
Now, I have prefaced what I have said today, because you are spiritually mature enough to understand or at least begin to understand what I am saying. There are many upon your planet [who hate, etc.?], and yes, is it an expression of love? Well, the answer would be no. But let us qualify what I say – no, not to juggle, but literally to clarify.
There is not an aberrant action that is not a desperate gesture to get back to the love.
Now, this is going to be very hard for many of you to understand. There have been many instances in your history, which is lengthy, of even your universe, where such aberrations have taken place. Is it an aberration on the free will and the surrender? Yes. But when one acts in such a way, it is a pathetic, desperate plea for love.
Let us dig deeper. When one comes from a place of hatred – and let us take some of the worst examples – so when one is in a place of hatred, of cruelty, of control, and power as in the use of force, and one is exhibiting and exercising that hatred, that cruelty – the question that you as lightworkers, as love holders, as spiritually cognizant and aware ascended beings is, why? What could possibly be the reason, the rationale?
It is that individual’s sight, and it appears that it is a sight of struggle and outright war, to gain power and control. But why, why, why the urge for this power and control and the exercise of brutality?
Now, not all these people have been brutalized. Not all these people have experienced hatred, so why? Because they have forgotten, or they are not experiencing any love within them. They know it’s there and they are a child acting out desperately, in the most desperate of ways. And that is the only reason.
You may have forgotten why containment was introduced in the first place and we have been very, very mild on containment in the last couple of years, other than my blue topaz box. But let us suggest to you, they are seeking the love.
Are they going about it in the wrong way? Well, there is no question about that. But what are they really doing? They are seeking acknowledgement of their value, of their essence, of the fact that they are worthy, that they are loved and lovable, and that somehow in their aberration they will prove themselves, not only to themselves – because that in fact is quite minor – worthy of the love, but they are going about it completely wrong. They are trying to bring up that essence, that essence of love that is their core. (“Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/06/transcript-divine-mother-unloving-emotion-density-love-lightness/.)
(3) “Jesus: The Effect of Your Collective Loving Intent is Massive,” January 23, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/01/23/jesus-the-effect-of-your-collective-loving-intent-is-massive/.
(4) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/.
(5) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/. Reading, April 30, 2019.
(6) Steve: Is the realm that we’re building and taking our physical bodies with us to altogether new?
Archangel Michael: Yes, it is brand new.
Steve: … Brand new, and the rules have changed?
AAM: That is correct. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 21, 2015.)
Divine Mother: Do you think, feel, know it is inappropriate of me to birth a new species of humans? … Because that is exactly what I am doing. And it’s exactly what I’m doing by opening the Thirteenth Octave. (Divine Mother in Linda Dillon, Thirteenth Octave Intensive Class, Oct. 24, 2020.)
(7) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Nov. 25, 2016.
(8) Matthew’s Message, March 25, 2011, at https://www.matthewbooks.com.
(9) Adolf Hitler issued the Nero Decree in the last weeks of the war, calling for anything that could aid the enemy – bridges, communications systems, railroads – to be destroyed. Few of his generals followed it.
(10) See “The Galactics and the Chances of Nuclear War (Nil),” March 5, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/03/05/the-galactics-and-the-chances-of-nuclear-war
The Day of the Dictators is Over | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/20/2022 09:22:00 PM