Sunday, December 4, 2022

No Need for Revolution this Time Around | Steve Beckow

You can see it as a cruise aboard the Enterprise, if you like

By Steve Beckow, December 3, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

How are we going to make our transition without lapsing into extremes?

The French Revolution had its guillotines. The Russian Revolution had its firing squads.

Revolutionary events by nature imply a breakdown of authority and often communications.

If a crowd is involved, emotions are usually manipulated to run high to motivate the crowd….

Stop the camera.

We know that emotions are what primarily motivate behavior. If we feel compassion, we do X. If we feel anger, we do Y.

It didn’t take Jan. 6 to acquaint us with false-flags and agents provocateurs. We watch color revolutions sparked every day by cynical elitists who want to divide and conquer.


History, with its bloody revolutions, won’t help us here.

Revolution will no longer work. Whipping up public emotion until terrible and regrettable actions are taken is not the script for our triumphal entry into the Golden Age.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall know rest this time around. The dictators of the world will no longer be able to reach us.

The very idea of ascending is antithetical to the idea of injuring or taking a life, as happens when a crowd cuts loose.

If we’re to assemble in crowds, we must remain peaceful, for many reasons.

The rising vibrations are on our side. It’s probably getting harder and harder to serve a wealthy elite as an enforcer.

When the Ring of Fire hits, we’ll be in the time of separation, if we aren’t already.

After that, I predict that the evil and violent will choose any available means to make an exit. The lower the vibration – not including those light-filled individuals whose soul contract has ended – the more likely they’ll choose this exit point to leave.

I imagine that the incidence of heart attacks after that event will soar. As Matthew Ward says, it’s simply physics.

“It can be no other way – simply, [because] this is the physics that governs life in this universe. As Earth continues apace into successively higher planes, nothing with low vibrations in any form – physical bodies, subversive plans, theft, dishonesty, unjust laws and imprisonment, bigotry, cruel customs and deeds – can survive.” (1)

Those who practise evil and violence will find themselves unable to carry on in the much-higher vibration of love that will then exist.

The harvest spoken of in the Bible will have taken place – the gathering of the wheat, the separation of the grain from the stalks, the sifting will have occurred.


After this point, the Third Dimensional quality of broadly tolerating all vibrational levels – saint and sinner – will no longer apply. The sinners will remain in 3D. We in our crystalline bodies will go on to soar, unmolested.

All of what I described is “laid on.” We could stand as still as a blue heron and it would all happen. It’s the Divine Mother’s will and of that she tells us:

“I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (2)

“When I dream, it is done. Yes, sweet angels, my action steps fall into place simultaneously because the dream, the desire, the intention is, what you would think of as, that strong that there is no distraction.” (3)

Our efforts as lightworkers are not aimed at having Ascension happen or not. The Mother has decreed it will.

They’re aimed at seeing that as many as possible ascend. As many as possible emerge from enforced poverty, exploitation, and suffering.

Abundance is coming. Med beds, replicators, free energy, anti-grav vehicles. Help is on the way.

You could see it as the preparatory stage for a luxurious cruise … aboard the Starship Enterprise if you like … and we want to get as many people on board as we can. The ship only grows to accommodate us.

So no need for revolution this time around. Everything is behind us, propelling us on to Ascension – or a different cruise. No fault, no blame. All aboard, Pier 1 or Pier 2.


(1) Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012, at

(2) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at From reading, April 30, 2019.

(3) “Universal Mother Mary’s New Year’s Message ~ You Are The Champions,” January 6, 2020, at

(4) On the time of separation, see Some Will Choose Not to Ascend at

Not Everyone will Choose to Come with Us: The Time of Separation at