(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
To know thyself
One of the greatest distractions of recent human history has been the exploration of outer space.
For the most part anything the public has been allowed to see in the form of Rockets and space stations has been archaic technology at best.
Made up stories at the worst, as deceptive narratives.
I am not saying we are not in space exploration. I am saying we are not in space for exploration.
It has been revealed there is so much more to what we are shown.
This topic is more about hidden agendas, controlled narratives and vast intricate contact.
I think the pretense that space is an exploratory adventure is by design to keep us distracted.
It has been used to keep us looking ‘out there’ instead of exploring the greatest mystery of all times, ‘in here’.
Within ourselves.
If we really want to explore the cosmos we don’t have to look any further than ourselves.
We don’t need to go anywhere at all.
How many times have we been instructed to build a solid foundation before erecting the rest of the building.
A crack in the foundation jeopardizes the entire structure.
Yet we are building whole societies and avoid looking at our foundation, who we are within.
We avoid giving full attention to the very base of our civilization.
We the people are the foundation to everything.
With the dismantling of society as we know it, we are left with one of the greatest tasks before us.
To rebuild a better foundation. So how would we do that?
To look within. Do the work on ourselves.
The question then becomes the most basic revelation of all times, who are we?
Who am I?
Dewey Decimal 001.
Who among us is willing to truly know thyself?
Have you sat with yourself?
Do you have conversations with yourself?
Do you ask the hard questions?
Do you like the answers?
Do you like yourself?
Do you love yourself?
What is it to love yourself?
Can you sit alone for an hour and be happy? 3 hours? 10 minutes?
Can you look at yourself without identifying with how others describe you?
Do you know that level within you that is not seen by others?
That part that motivates you to get up in the morning. Not the’ I gotta get up and make breakfast for the kids’ persona.
But the ‘ I want to get up and make a difference today’ persona.
I want to be me today
The Who of who you are.
Can you touch that part of you with just a thought?
There are so many layers to who we are, I am not sure we can fully unveil the immensity of it all in a single lifetime.
But I think that we can learn incrementally and have plateau moments where we can sit and enjoy our personal revelations.
Taking a moment to say wow, I just learned something about myself and you know, I really like that about me.
Or even, oh wow, I did that. I don’t want to be like that. How can I change that in myself?
Peeling the onion, as they say, can make you cry.
Cry away.
Do it.
It is worth it.
There is no greater base flavor to any savory recipe than by starting with the onion.
Garlic works too but that isn’t as metaphorically attractive so I am sticking with the onion.
So peel your onion. Love, hug and accept yourself for who you truly are.
There are no mistakes in heaven.
When it comes to exploring the vast cosmic unknown, your journey within is the most important one.
You are the heavenly body upon which you build a foundation.
Remember that exploration is just that. It is an adventure.
Fall in love with yourself along the way.
When you do, you will know thyself.
Know Thyself | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/11/2022 08:31:00 PM