(Golden Age of Gaia)
Judith Kusel
As you are reading this the keys and codes held within your soul’s sacred geometries which hold your soul name and Divine attributes the Divine created within you, are being activated.
Your highest soul potential.
All you have ever been since time immortal, when your soul was first created.
The energies now are unlocking your highest soul truth.
Gifts, talents and abilities you have not even used, or were aware of during this lifetime will surface now.
Your soul genius, and yes, we all have genius.
It is time to rise and stand fully in your own light, and not in anyone’s shadow.
Living your highest truth, with integrity and unconditional love.
Co-creating by using your highest potential in the highest ways for highest good of all.
You will now expand.
Your life will change.
All self-imposed limitations will dissolve.
Expect the unexpected.
It is time to step fully into your greatness and to lovingly share all that you are, as we co-create the New Golden Age.
I AM all that I AM Divinely created to be!
It is so!