Credit: Suzi Maresca
By Steve Beckow, December 22, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
If Only I Knew Then…. – Part 1/2
What would I do without Suzi’s wonderful weekend memes (left)? I laugh so hard.
I’m keeping up on the news these days, although not as deeply as I have before, But less and less of what I read do I actually post.
That’s partly because the revelations are getting more and more difficult to stomach and endure.
Some of you have been telling me that isn’t what you come here for. I feel the need to keep current but not the need to post on it. Unless something earth-shaking occurs.
Everyone seems to have their well-prepared list of sites to visit – Telegram, Twitter, Truth Social, Gateway Pundit, Natural News, etc. Posting up-to-the-minute is not our forte. Contextualizing events, if we can, is.
It’s getting more sordid by the day as more and more of the truth is being revealed. I saw public use of the word “f[xxxxx]ing” the other day. [I don’t want to go there.] I’ve never been willing to use the word. I’ll leave the revealing of things like that to better hands.
For one thing I expect the EBS (emergency broadcasts) shortly and all will change, whatever that change may look like.
For another, the Alliance has been planning their announcements since forever. I operate on the assumption that they can do a far better job of raising our worst and most traumatizing fears to the surface than I can.
We won’t satisfy everyone whatever course we take. But I think most of you don’t come here for the boots-on-the-ground news. You come here for the celestial and divine perspective on the boots-on-the-ground news, at least in this phase of things.
At the same time, I also think that the alternative press – the new Twitter, Gateway Pundit, Natural News, Epoch Times, etc. – is doing a great job of covering events. But very few are covering the celestial beat or the divine.
I’m interested in the news, but most interested in it from the latter perspective. And where the celestial and divine news takes us is where I’m interested in going anyways.
“Going where no one has gone before” to me means inner dimensions rather than regions of space. Exploration of both is needed of course. Not saying otherwise.
The latter explorer learns from outer space and takes it inwards; the former learns from inner space and takes it outwards.
The one creates expansion by way of the evidence of the senses – what is seen, heard, touched, etc. The other creates expansion by way of an inner clearing of obstacles and a consequent experiencing of what lives in that space – love, bliss, ecstasy, etc.
I think it’s safe to say that we want to feel happy at Christmastime. But we seem to have very little sense that that depends on us. Usually, if we don’t have a happy Christmas, we attribute it to external circumstances (the self-serving bias).
But, as breathing love up from my heart has shown me, I’m in control of feeling love, bliss, and the other divine states. Hence I’m in control of the happiness that results from those states.
I’m like a celestial bartender. I can reach behind me and pull out one of the bottles and offer you, myself, or the world a drink of love (alcohol) in one of its flavors: plain vanilla liqueur (love), chocolate (bliss), coffee (ecstasy)…. Well, not quite. Aladdin is dreaming. But you get my drift.
I rest in the love and all my fears and worries fade away. When they all fade away, I find myself in the center, in the middle, in balance. Being alone in the center, bereft of desire, I’m available to what lives in the quiet. Soundless and featureless, ever-flowing and all-satisfying love.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)

If I only knew then – Me, Paul, and Dad
By Steve Beckow, December 23, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
If Only I Knew Then…. – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
I’m feeling reflective at Xmastime. Happens every year.
I’ve been looking at leadership lately because the Reval approaches. It’s going to be quite a shock to the system to be suddenly rich and I want to do everything I can to lessen the impact of want and oppression on us.
Our leadership needs to depart from old paradigms; hence I’m thinking about the old paradigms we need to depart from right now.
The antithesis of freedom, which is the new paradigm, is domination. Dictators dominate.
What makes a dictator is how far a person is willing to take things. The Night of the Long Knives, when Hitler murdered the opposition? Pouring copious quantities of mineral oil down the throats of his enemies like Mussolini? A suitcase nuclear bomb?
Every step that Hitler took, including his invasion of Russia, saw a well-prepared, technologically-advanced nation overpower an unprepared, undeveloped, smaller nation. Finally it awoke a couple of industrial giants who stopped and overwhelmed it.
How far was Hitler prepared to go? He was prepared to exterminate his “enemies “- Jews, communists, gypsies, Russian soldiers, the disabled, slave labor, etc.
Draw a great big line under here.
On this side of the line lie two features: First, impulses driven by the baser desires, emanating from the self-serving thought-structure we call the “ego,” and, second, a set of beliefs that leaves the person and their groups in control of the situation: social Darwinism, racial supremacy, gender domination, whatever can be used to ensure control.
On this other side of the line lie two features as well: First, the tug of conscience beginning to be felt to the extent that it affects choice and, second, the recognition dawning through whatever means that each individual, barring medical, biological, legal, or other circumstances (like a baby’s age or incarceration for murder), has freedom of choice.
Never mind where this sense comes from; they recognize freedom of choice as an inalienable right short of harming another and see it as a defensible principle and stand.
I don’t want to exaggerate but, in coming back from being the policeman of the world at 28 while studying karate, to where I am now is an example of following this social-maturation pattern.
I suppose that’s how I know it, from seeing it in my own life.
A wave of love sweeps up from my heart and I think: If I only knew then what I know now….
If Only I Knew then... | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/24/2022 12:29:00 AM