Submitted to Voyages of Light on December 31, 2022
Dear Brother and Sisters,
I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Light Forces, and I am telepathically communicating on behalf of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters. I want to give a clarification that we don’t use Federation, which was given by humans, and I went along until this moment. Now is the time to follow only the path of the truth.
Alliance needs to start real disclosures and stop using excuses that humanity is not ready. The process of liberation on Mother Earth is still in the works, so far it didn’t come to fruition, as it was expected. Delays are related to your passiveness and expectations for someone else to do your work. All of you are responsible to make New Earth. My drear Brothers and Sisters you keep forgetting that you arrived here to rescue this planet. It’s time to discover your true identity, you are the Star Souls who traveled to this Galaxy with a mission to remove Negative Entities.
My crew and I will continue to assist humanity from the sky to keep the planet safe from Space, and the rest is up to humankind. Everyone here arrived as a volunteer. Your direct responsibilities are rescue Planets, Galaxies, Universes and etc. I would like to share our latest operation Venus-2. We spend months of Earth’s time stopping attacks from unfriendly forces, who were trying to create a new holographic illusion over the whole Milky Galaxy. They send enforcements to help the Corrupted Souls residing on Earth. If they were successful, you would need to forget about your liberation and a whole Milky Galaxy would become a zone of Matrix illusion. We were dealing with this situation over 6 months.
Time also is a part of 3D to keep inhabitants of your planet being disoriented and confused about the reality. All surrounding structures you see daily are a reflection of low vibrations not compatible to high frequencies. Everything will need to cease to exist, when you move to 5D. Your souls have seen and experienced advanced worlds far more beyond anything you can imagine.
Please, snap out from mirage and focus on reconnecting with your soul. The connection transpires during meditation, when you are still and in silence. You don’t need to be rescued by us, you can do yourselves. Humanity is strong and conveys same abilities, what we have. Don’t be a victim, be a warrior. You can invent anything, you desire for yourself and others. You are stronger than you think.
Divine continues to break the paramnesia and many changes are coming your way. Please, don’t waste your power on analyzing why and who, just follow the Divine flow and be always in the Now. Nobody can’t stop, what is coming to Mother Earth, as it already happened in our reality. I am going to announce our real Ambassador in my next message, as it’s the time to let humanity know. Thank you Universal Channel.
Sending Supreme Love to my Brothers and Sisters.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ashtar via Erena Velazquez | December 31, 2022
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/31/2022 09:55:00 PM