By Steve Beckow, December 13, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’m finding the baseline of events, in many fields, moving so fast and my memory so “short” these days that I’m susceptible to making mistakes – especially with video.
With text I can take out a passage and enter it into a database. With video, I can’t remember where I heard something and where.
When I remember, I face the task of listening again till I find the words or passage. This is so time-consuming that, if I use video, I’m slowed to what feels like a crawl.
Meanwhile, I posted a video recently from SG Anon that I regarded as his best because it offered an intro to his work. However the video was from Dec. 2020.
I cannot remember whether I posted it because the opening several minutes were a good intro to his work or whether I made a mistake and posted the wrong video.
And given how much work it takes to maintain even a modest claim to keeping up with events, I’ve deleted the post rather than looking into the matter with an admonition to myself to somehow find a better way of keeping track of videos and their content in the future.
The fact that there are far, far too many videos out there for me to possibly watch means I have to give up my self-imposed task to be the Six O’Clock News and specialize as all of this unfolds.
I saw the same thing happen with the Freedom Convoys and now I see it here — covering the waterfront is just too big a task for one already-busy person. Go, Reval!
Following on from your emails, my apologies for the confusion and my further apologies if I made an error.
Apologies | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/14/2022 12:20:00 PM