(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Shanta Gabriel, December 20, 2022, shantagabriel.com
Enjoy this Special Christmas Message to Inspire & Bless your Heart
Dear Ones,
Hark! The Herald Angels are singing. Can you hear the Angel voices? The Angels are calling you to rejoice in Divine Love and the Light streaming onto the planet during this special time called Christmas.
Can you hear the Angels whispering to you? Listen with your heart. Allow your whole being to be receptive to these Divine Messengers who have watched over you throughout your soul’s existence. They are here now with one voice singing the idea of Unity within all beings. Making a joyful noise, they offer you the gifts of Divine Light, Grace and a Love beyond your understanding. Receive it into your heart and shine this blessed Light out into the world.
As you are receptive, it allows the gift of Divine Grace to fill your being. Grace is needed to sanctify the Earth, and to bring greater coherence, respect and an honoring of the gifts the Earth supplies freely in abundance. When humans honor the Earth, they also honor the elements of themselves that make up the Earth.

Your Birthright
In fact, it is your birthright to live in harmony with the Earth, to feel Divine Love in your being and the power of Life Force surging through you in ever-increasing waves. Allow it to spark every cell in your body and increase love within your being. As you do this, you glow as a radiant light. It shines forth from you and you become the Light to the World that the Earth needs right now.
Becoming a Light to the world is not arrogant. When one carries conscious awareness of a greater Truth, it is a part of your Soul Purpose. While the apparent darkness of chaos and fear are so obvious, what could you need more than Light? At this holy time the Light of the Christed energy is more available than ever before. This blessing carries Divine Love into your heart and out into your world.
Feel this Light in you that holds the divine qualities of Wisdom and Love, and share it with others. Radiate Light to your government and the world leaders. Send it to areas of chaos in the world, and to those who work hard to ease the suffering in those places. Transmit Divine Light to the environment, and to all the living beings on this beautiful planet.
Shine the healing Light onto yourself and your families. This energy activates the power that inspires you into Divine Right Action. It is a powerful way to bring harmony and overcome hopelessness within yourself and the world.

And then there were Angels
As you celebrate the gifts of this Christmas season, there are many who remember the presence of Angels during this time more than at any other time of the year.
Legions of Angels are gathering ever nearer the earth now, drawn by the prayers and the thoughts of so many people during the Christmas season. This is a tremendous blessing that opens your heart to more love and allows your mind to receive a greater level of Divine Grace.
It is a good time to take a moment to honor and connect with your Angelic guides. Ask for personal assistance in all areas of your life and listen – really listen, as the Angels whisper in your heart. They want you to follow your heart’s message and feel the guidance available to you from the spiritual realms.

Archangel Gabriel and the Realm of Archangels
At this holy time of the year, there is also more awareness of the Archangels.
Archangel Gabriel holds the empowerment for the winter season, and stories abound of his intervention throughout the ages during the darkest nights. The Archangels are given Divine charge over all communities, nations and seasons.
During the 12 Holy Nights beginning December 24, the Archangels freely erase all boundaries between nations and factions. The Light of True Peace prevails in the Heavenly realms, and is available to be called forth onto the Earth. More information about the Holy Nights is available here.
Join with the angelic host to spread this Light through your own life and pray for healing of all nations and families. Use this pervasive light from the Archangels to bring greater consciousness through you and all beings on Earth. This energy can make a true difference, awakening Peace within all hearts.

Peace on Earth and Good Will Prevails
By creating your personal traditions and meaningful ritual for this Holy Season, you can use the spiritual support that is available to you. With this support and your clear intentions, you can experience transformation within your being and blessings in your life. Do not let the material world overpower the beauty and depth that truly exists during this special time.
Allow Divine Light to enlighten your mind and heart, and illuminate every cell and fiber of your being. Your willingness and open-hearted acceptance of Divine Love blesses your body, mind and spirit. Receive this gift and allow the Light of the Christ to be born within you during this Holy Season.
Let Divine Light shine forth from you now so there may truly be Peace on Earth and Good Will between all beings.
And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
December 20, 2022
A Christmas Message from Archangel Gabriel | Shanta Gabriel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/21/2022 09:50:00 PM