By Catherine Viel, November 20, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
November 19, 2022
No matter the pull toward brink…
There is a time for everything.
~Ross Gay, Sorrow is Not My Name

It’s hard to settle to anything this morning. I’m in the trailing energy from yesterday’s bout of accomplishing stuff with our handyman friend. Half an hour of “doing“ this morning reminds me, via body discomfort, not to overdo.
A couple of friends are experiencing the hardest of hard times—family members or pets dying, or nearest and dearest suffering turmoil.
My empathy gear engages, but only partially. This feels like an excellent opportunity to practice maintaining integrity with my human, emotional self while refraining from feeling too much of others’ pain.
I haven’t done this deliberately. Perhaps disengaging from over-involvement in others’ suffering is a necessary evolution from where I was, to where I am, to where I will be.

In a very large sense, I simply feel done with suffering. Of any kind. Mine, people of the world’s, the animals’, the planet’s.
I’m still seeing many articles and channeled messages exhorting us to feel all our pain. Experience it, do something to process the negativity, let it go.
We are reminded that we may be dredging up our own shadow-selves or the shadows of the world, and it is our privilege—nay, our duty—to do this work.
Am I allowed to opt out? Am I allowed to notice the suffering (mine as well as others’), and just extend what empathy I have? Empathy may not be the same as “doing the work.“ But it may be all the “work“ I am willing to engage in nowadays.

All is changing, all will change even more, and doubtless, I shall change as well.
It occurs to me that the mild reaction I’m extending to others is likely the level of support I would wish to receive, in similar fraught circumstances. Don’t overwhelm me with your involvement in my grief or suffering.
I’m aware of the saying, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” But I propose that neither is necessary, and I hope that’s where we’re all headed in the very near future. In the meantime, just give me a hug, or a helping hand. And I’ll do the same for you.

The Shadows of the World | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/21/2022 02:07:00 AM