(Golden Age of Gaia)
Judith Kusel
The Merging of the Lower Body with the Higher Body
I was asked to relay this most important message to all of you:
The whole of humanity has been through intense initiations in the last few years and especially in these last few months. Today, as the eight of November 2022, dawns we are entering infinity, literally and figuratively.
This means that the Lower Body, the lower chakras, the lower Self, the fear-based, survival, flee and flight, and miscreation of the Third dimensional state, now is being lifted, and we all individually, are given the chance now, to merge our lower self-body, with the higher Self Body, the Mighty I AM THAT I AM, Lightbody form.
This is unprecedented and has never happened before on such a large scale.
As you are ready to receive this blessing upon blessings, it shall be given to you. For indeed it is the releasing of the Old Adam, Old Eve, Old Lilith, and the totally new Creation emerging now, and element most prominent here, is that of water.
This is no accident, it is by great design, because the last destruction happened with the Great Flood. Yes, we have been put through the Fires of Purification, but now we are being in the break-water stage, the moment when that birth starts to happen, as the baby is ready to emerge from the womb. Momentous!
It is the Power of Divine Love, which is anointing us.
It is the Power of Divine Love, which is birthing us into a totally new form – not only the physical, and all the bodies, but also a totally new life, because the higher dimensional states are now opening from the 9th to the 12th, as we return to the Universal Citizenship, and reassume our rightful place within the Universal Counsels, as well as the Intergalactic Ones – it is where we in truth belong!
The power of energies now pouring in, bring balance and harmony in the highest sense. When the two bodies merge, there is only Light, pure Light Divine, and the whole is filled with Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, as we finally now merge with the Holy Sophia and the Holy Shekinah again!
This is unprecedented!
It is a sublime Divine Gift of Grace.
Open your arms today, and ask the Divine Feminine, to pour her Love into you, as if you are standing underneath a cascading waterfall, and let this love not only purify you in the deepest sense, but prepare you for the blessings upon blessings, which are now being bestowed upon all of us.
What this means is that all the old fear-based patterns, the old programming, the old belief systems, which held us prisoner, in the lower body, are being released with the merging of the lower body with the higher.
Again, this will happen as you are ready to receive this blessing.
Most often it is unconscious fears, the unconscious programming, which is still stuck in the lower bodies, add to this the mental and emotional bodies, which is withholding the blessings for somehow some fear to let go completely of the Old.
The key here is Loving Grace.
I have tears of gratitude, wonder and awe as this is transmitted through me, and into me, and radiates out to you.
Miracles are happening!
The Power of Divine Love is pouring in!
The Merging of the Lower Body with the Higher Body | Judith Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/10/2022 02:18:00 AM