Submitted to Voyages of Light on November 19, 2022
Greetings Humankind,
I am Queen An-Ra, Grand Council of New Earth Council, and I am also the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition. This new alliance includes now over 300 different civilizations, who desire to live in peace. I am happy to transmit this communication today through Universal Channel.
Divine energies are surrounding your planet and crushing Evil and it’s plans, before they are implemented. These vibrations also are cleansing all surroundings from Darkness. If you pay a close attention to the behavior of Dark Entities, you will immediately notice that they started to expose themselves daily by making obvious mistakes in public. Nothing is working for them as it used too. Truth can’t be hidden anymore, and it’s coming to the daylight.
Don’t be afraid to empower yourself and to take a lead on the road to your own freedom. Many of you spend here thousands of lifetimes, and now it’s time to move to high dimensions. This is your last incarnation in illusion of Matrix. You are going to Ascend to New Earth or return to the Stars you came from. The group of humans, who don’t know nothing about transition, still have a chance to wake up or continue their lives in 3D reality somewhere else not necessary on Mother Earth. The planet wants to release 3D shell and only keep 5D version.
Your world has been attacked numerous times by pure Evil from Cosmos, AI, the groups, who pretended to be humanitarians, and etc. Everything is dissipating and falling down. Right now, old plans for transition are replaced with new ones. Divine Plan is being implemented, as I speak to you.
In the near future many unexpected events will unveil to humankind, so stay alert, be calm, and follow your soul guidance. Please be aware, billions of Star brothers and sisters are meditating on your behalf and are wishing you safe arrival to New Earth. You are Blessed to be here in person to experience Ascension first ever in this part of Milky Galaxy. Thank you Universal Channel.
We all are carriers of Endless Light and Eternal Love.
Queen An-Ra
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez | November 19, 2022
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/19/2022 01:08:00 PM