(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
At this moment I declare myself as the Woman that has everything.
Do I really have everything?
Well. Yes
If I take the attitude that there is nothing I want, then I have everything that I need.
I have a lot.
To be sure, My house is warm, my fridge is full and there is lots of laundry on the floor.
My cup runneth over.
I have created an abundance.
Is that what abundance is all about?
Achieving that status of ‘a have’ opposed to ‘a have not’?
Maybe accomplishing the portrayed image of borderline hoarder.
Or is it about adjusting our wants and desires?
At this moment I am comfortable so it is easy to declare I have no wants.
All of my basic needs have been and will be met.
Does this give me satisfaction?
Actually, yes. But I haven’t always seen it that way.
I have had enough in the past with a constant flow of abundance and not recognize it and kept looking for more.
Often this is the case because we are trained consumers.
Our world is inundated with visions of the programmed American dream.
Advertisements are filled with statements of lack.
Unless you have this you are not enough. You are not worthy. You are a bad parent. You will be sick.
fear fear fear unless you consume.
What they don’t tell you but is written into the program is, by trying to achieve more you actually gain less.
How does this work?
By trying to achieve a prescribed level of material comfort we have given our power away.
And that is everything.
Without your power you will always be seeking outside of yourself to create happiness.
Happiness is used to sell things. Buy this, it will make you happy.
If you had more money you could buy things that will bring you happiness.
So work harder at achieving things and you will be on the path to happiness.
It’s true. When we give our power away we will always be seeking how to get it back.
We will be in lack. We will buy things that give us security.
This will make us feel better.
More things will be advertised to give us more security.
They will continue to sell us something as if to give us our power back.
Caught up in an endless loop, we give ourselves away even more.
Where does the empowerment of self begin?
How does one break the cycle of manipulation and control?
How do we step into the flow of abundance, security and happiness?
I found an answer at a bus stop.
The scheduled bus never came.
I had to make the executive decision, It was time to walk home.
Simple. I empowered myself without victimization. Without fear.
It wasn’t the plan but that was what needed to happen. It was 31 degrees and 3 miles.
I could have called friends. I could have called Uber.
I could have waited at the tire store for 8 hrs while my car sat in line.
There were other options, but I chose the one that put me in control of myself.
It’s okay to ask for help but sometimes it’s nice to trust yourself and know that you really can do something even if it seems formidable at first.
3 miles really wasn’t that formidable once I got past the mental block.
This is just a small example of how we begin to empower ourselves.
The first step is to believe in yourself.
I found in that decision I did not need or want anything else at that moment.
Doing what I was doing was enough.
I was comfortable and secure in taking care of my needs and this made me happy.
I did not put my problems upon anyone else to solve.
I did not have to buy anything.
This may not always be the case.
Sometimes we do need to ask for help and that’s okay.
I had asked for help getting my winter tires put on knowing full well how busy it would be.
My power moment came in how to achieve that without imposing further upon others.
And then another empowering opportunity came when the first plan did not play out.
I believe we can empower ourselves by looking inward first.
Then acting on that insight second.
When we find ourselves at the crossroads of choice how will we proceed?
I believe in you
with love
Digger 2022
I am Enough | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/16/2022 10:38:00 PM