Thursday, November 24, 2022
Amanda Lamond: "No Other can Take that Step for you" | Steve Beckow
By Steve Beckow, November 23, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
On May 7, I wrote that “Amanda Lamond has a calling to create a spiritually-based organization (council) of awakening lawyers to receive the frequencies for the creation of the next legal system.” (1)
As if that’s not enough, she also channels. I’ve asked her to share with us some of the conversations she’s been having with her guides. I wish I had the ability to talk to mine this way. I’d expect that’d make things easier….
Dear One,
No murmur of judgement passes our lips. We open our arms and invite you home again. In our embrace you can let go of the need to figure it all out for a moment. Yes, that’s right. Stop thinking and merely take these words as our gift to you.
You are indeed making steady progress now and we are most pleased. You are seeing the state of resistance you had been in for so long. We know you may question why you had to suffer so, but can you now see that only YOU can reach the point of being tired of fighting yourself? No other can take that step for you. You would resent them for it. So the process is a solitary one but less so when you realise how many other souls are dealing with exactly the same thing, though each in his or her unique way.
There are things we wish you to turn your attention to at this time. A gathering of people who see the similarities in multiple fields and how the underlying premises are the same.. Exactly as you have foreseen. Zach Bush will speak of developments in medical theory if you like – imagine a textbook from 100 years hence when students would be told about the ancient materialist medical philosophy when mankind was under the illusion people had physical, rather than energetic bodies. The same thing is happening in the law as lawyers awaken. But as you know this feels slow to you!
We ask you to speak out, to trust that you can, and you must and you have everything you need to reach many many 1000’s of people with all you are perceiving. Yes, it requires you to transcend all limiting programs that are keeping you stuck from sharing yourself fully with the world at this time. It is safe. You can do this. (2)
The experiences you seek are all around you. Yes, you are trying to numb yourself out but you would not wish to do so were you tapping into the greater levels of divine bliss and ecstasy that await you dear one!
Sit in the silence.
Contemplate the Divine Mother/ Father God.
Connect your feet to the earth and your heart to the sun.
Practise watching the ego.
(1) “An Invitation to Lawyers Who are Called to Build the Next Legal System,” May 7, 2022, at
See Amanda Lamond, Awakening Lawyers, “An invitation to lawyers who are called to build the next legal system – one that is way beyond what 99% of humans can currently imagine,” 2022, at
(2) Notice the reassurance of safety. On this subject, see On Lightworker Protection and Humanitarian Philanthropy.