Unheard of, Unprecedented | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, October 3, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Let’s see if we can get what it’s possible to do in these end times.

We’ve been able to interview and hear the Divine Mother (thanks to Linda Dillon), with the archangels, the galactic and terrestrial masters, all live, answering questions.

None of this would have been available to Pythagoras’ students or even the holy renunciates of India. Not a scrap of it.

None of this would have been conceivable in Pharaonic Egypt – the room being full of ascended masters? The Divine Mother stepping in ahead of Archangel Michael to make an announcement? Simply unheard of.

I once joked with the Divine Mother that the ancients would have fasted forty days and nights to hear a word from her. She replied that it wasn’t necessary.

And it isn’t necessary for this generation to fast and journey far and wide. But ancient belief systems made it necessary.

She revealed that:

“[This] level of bliss, of ecstasy, of awareness, of expanded heart consciousness has not been known on this planet since the very beginning.” (1)

Wow. I certainly am aware of this in myself. Another amazing, amazing aspect of what’s happening right now.


Have I been as clear as a person can possibly be? Unheard of. Unprecedented. Do we agree?

If so, then let’s allow that to be one jewel of understanding in our crowns. But there are others.

Here’s another jewel, another unique feature, though I won’t go into it. Everyone here now is an angelic (2) and their full powers are available but locked up by their belief systems. (3)

Just saying.

Every year I learn a new detail about its uniqueness. Here’s another. This Ascension opens up a new space, (4) where our Third-Dimensional bodies, transmuted into light bodies, can travel the dimensions freely.

Stop the camera.

Never has one level, plane or dimension been able to travel freely to the next higher. Never. (5) This is an innovation.

Another jewel? OK. This Ascension of ours is so unique in the multiverse that civilizations near and far have gathered to contribute their loving energy and to watch how it’s done.

Watch one, do one, teach one, eh? (Just kidding.)

I’m weary of the storm, as the Federation of Light predicted we’d be before it ends. But there’s no other choice I’d rather make than to be here now, doing this.


(1) “Transcript ~ Universal Mother Mary: Choose Where You Want To Be, April 14, 2016,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/04/14/transcript-universal-mother-mary-heavenly-blessings-choose-want-april-5-2016/.

(2) “Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings. And it matters not whether you belong to the Legion of Michael or the Tribe of Uriel, the Praisers of Metatron or the Truth Speakers of Gabrielle. It does not matter your colour, your hue. You are my Angels, birthed from my being – birthed not only from my womb, but from my heart.” ( (“The Mother’s Clarion Call to All of Humanity!” April 20, 2020 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/20/the-mothers-clarion-call-to-all-of-humanity/.)

See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/An-Explosion-in-the-Meaning-of-Humanness-4.pdf.

(3) “The awareness, when you choose to acknowledge it, and the, shall we call it, the angelic abilities, are present in the human race, in the individual human form at this time.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2020.) [Hereafter AAM.]

(4) Steve: Is the realm that we’re building and taking our physical bodies with us to altogether new?

Archangel Michael: Yes, it is brand new.

Steve: … Brand new, and the rules have changed?

AAM: That is correct. (AAM Sept. 21, 2015.)

Archangel Michael: What you are being asked to do is to step forth in the truth of your [angelic] gifts, your abilities … to bring forth this wondrous new.

It has not been done in form, anchored in a physical reality, a physical reality that is absolutely interdimensional. That is the task at hand. We know the magnitude of what we are asking, but we also know the support that we are prepared to give on every level. (“Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” April 25, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/25/transcript-archangel-michael-on-mastery-and-leadership-april-16-2015/.)

(5) This is the way it has been until now:

“Should a man try to live in that rarified spiritual air [of a higher plane than Lawrence occupies] who carried still in his being the uncleansed stains of earth his sufferings would be terrible, as intense as the joy of which he would be capable when he is cleansed of them.” (T.E. Lawrence through Jane Sherwood, medium, Post-Mortem Journal. Communications from T.E. Lawrence. London: Spearman, 1964, 86.)

“To pass from this realm where I live to the next higher, I shall find myself walking along gently rising ground. As I proceed I shall see all the unmistakable signs – and feel them – of a realm of greater spiritual refinement. There will eventually come a point in my walking when I can go no further because I shall feel most uncomfortable spiritually. If I should be foolish enough to try to defy these feelings, I should, at length, find that I was completely unable to venture a foot forward without undergoing sensations which I could not possibly bear. I should not be able to see anything before me, only that which lay behind me.

“But whether we are standing at one of the boundaries, or whether we are well within the confines of our own realm, there comes a certain line in the bridge between the realms where the higher realm becomes invisible to less spiritual eyes. Just as certain light rays are invisible to earthly eyes, and certain musical sounds are inaudible to earthly ears, so are the higher realms invisible to the inhabitants of the lower realms.

“And the reason is that each realm possesses a higher vibrational rate than that below it and is therefore invisible and inaudible to those who live below it. Thus we can see that another natural law operates for our own good. (Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, Life in the World Unseen. M.A.P., 1993, 132-3.)
Unheard of, Unprecedented | Steve Beckow Unheard of, Unprecedented | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/04/2022 03:54:00 AM Rating: 5

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