(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
These are triggering times.
As it should be.
We have so much to clear.
Many of these things are not just going to walk up to us and say, “hi , I am your trigger for that hidden issue you have been avoiding. It would like to be cleared now..”
Nothing as gentle and obvious.
But it is ideal if we can recognize a trigger when we feel one.
Kinda like a stone that has worked its way out of the ground and is sitting there waiting for us to trip over it.
If we are lucky we will see it before it sprains an ankle.
Usually though it stays hidden as an uneven surface until we trip and stumble, looking around to figure out what just happened.
People are strung tight right now. You can’t even look at somebody with a question in your eyes without getting a strong reaction.
Some people handle it much better than others.
In fact there seem to be a select few who are walking with an incredible amount of grace. I’ll get back to that phenomenon in a minute.
It seems that people are triggering each other without really knowing why.
Why they triggered somebody or why they themselves reacted so strongly.
What a wonderful opportunity for us all.
If we could stop and take a breath and truly look inside to find out what was hidden and has worked its way to the surface, we may be surprised.
Below the surface something is asking for our attention. It is primed and ready to be released.
I tripped myself up the other day. Forget Retrograde planets, imploding economy. out of control politics and nervous neighbors.
I was having a conversation with myself and got triggered. Mercy
With so many contributing factors tripping us up, from on high, we must look like a bunch of toddlers learning how to walk.
Fortunately, I took time to pause and look at it.
It was so curious how it arose. I did not know it was still an issue until it came up.
There are different levels of things that need to be cleared.
Some are certainly bigger at the core than others. Most of them can be traced back to a few basic traumas usually developed in childhood.
If not dealt with, Repetition of being the victim can drive these issues deeper and deeper.
Recognizing that the source of our trauma is essential because it really does want attention. Tendrils shoot to the surface until our triggers come up in a variety of places.
Now my analogy has jumped from rocks to weeds but the idea is the same.
We can deal with a triggering event but unless we look into the core trauma and face it, the same thing will continue to trip us up. It will surface in some way somewhere else.
Stumbling again and again, we find we haven’t really cleared the issue(s) at all. At least not completely.
Steve speaks of these as vasanas.
My trippy the other day was not a big deal. Once I looked at it I knew exactly what it was.
Something I have worked on for years.
This one was like a seedling that wanted to take root and maybe it was starting to take hold, but my reaction to this trigger was more of an ‘Aha’ than a ‘why me?’ .
Now is not the time to perpetuate our victimhood.
Now is the time to clear out the weed patch.
Remove the trippys from your path.
Which pulls me back around to those incredible graceful people.
Have you noticed that it’s hard being Human?
And have you noticed that there are people out there that are nice, kind and generous?
They don’t just watch you stumble. They ask if you are alright. They offer a hand. Or even just look away.
This is the grace of being humane.
Within this phenomenon is in the knowing that we all trip and stumble.
We all have something to deal with and ‘by the grace of God, there go I. ‘
Oh sure, there may be rescuers in the bunch doing what they can to save someone. That doesn’t always help.
But that’s not who I am talking about.
I want to pay homage to those who do not get triggered when faced with someone else’s triggered reaction.
This group of lovely beings allow you to have your experience. No judgment. At least not visibly.
I aspire to be one of these folks. Just as I aspire to clear all of my core issues.
It is work, there is no doubt about that.
Even in this I may stumble and fall.
Brushing myself off, I will try again.
There is forgiveness in the simple realization that none of us are perfect.
In this we begin to heal.
We can look at our reactions and embrace them for what they are.
By working with our triggers, we can start healing those hidden traumas.
It doesn’t mean we won’t find another trigger down the way.
But when we recognize them for what they are, we can begin what needs to be done.
In this process all will be in perfection.
There are many who won’t know any of this.
I am in no way suggesting we allow ourselves to be put in harm’s way.
It is obvious the tensions are high and there will be intense situations.
Big core issues are coming to the surface.
Be safe my friends. Set good boundaries. Deliver them gracefully.
We are in the action of healing on a grand scale.
And it starts within.
Love for all
Digger 2022
There Go I | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/14/2022 11:20:00 PM