(Golden Age of Gaia)
The Final Straw
If there is one single person in the world you cannot feel love for, feel compassion with, and intend that they feel the kiss of kindness, then there is a part of you that you have yet to love.
You still hold the seed of fear. And awakening is about being FEARLESS. Processing all fears in the waters of your Lovingness.
When you can find the compassion to forgive yourself, to let go of the self judgment, you will know exactly how to love the other regardless of what that person has done.
The war is over when you make peace with yourself the HUman Being you are expressing yourself through. And when you can accept no reason or excuse for being unloving, ungenerous , unforgiving, and unkind you will know this to be so.
When you can take each fear, feel it, and see it for what it is from your higher love filled point of viewing. Soul Being you Are.
To pretend that you do not know how it feels to be so full of self-hate that you want to destroy beauty, innocence, happiness and kindness in others, is to deny your own memory (faint though it may be). For you voluntarily came here to walk through shadow. You know what it is to hate with a violent passion.
You know the antidote to hate. You also know the power of love and that your Shining transcends time and space, and so you can contribute to the healing of any wound of anyone anywhere, once you can love every corner of Human self.
And as you love those who are perpetrators of pain and disharmony in others, you heal not only your own wounds, but those of your ancestors.
Your love and forgiveness transforms and dissolves the pain in the illusion you have played with.
You do this through your bodily experience.
And in doing so you no longer separate any aspect of your experience from yourself. You are not separate from anything, least of all someone whom you have viewed as unworthy of your love.
Heal all the wounds of your imagined unworthiness, your guilt and shame, your unwillingness to take Mastery of the power of your Love. Love that You Are.
Can you raise yourself up to be as Big, and Brave and as Loving as your Inner Being is asking of You and guiding you to?
Shine On
I So Love You
PS Someone has written to me: “Today I was accused of being hateful and selfish, I have struggled greatly with it and this post clarified that all my struggle was fearing that he was right. And he is not. Bless his soul he is struggling and lashing out.”
My reply: “ You are the only one who knows who you are. And you know what you Know, and you Know what you feel. Sovereign you are sweet Sister, Sovereign of SELF You ARE”.
The Final Straw | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/01/2022 10:50:00 PM