By Catherine Viel, October 9, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
October 8, 2022
Deep is the darkness and long is the night,
solid the water and liquid the light. How strange
that they arrive at all, nights on planet earth.
~Campbell McGrath, Nights on Planet Earth

Is it too late to be grateful for things being fine, after they are not? Have we missed the boat if we say, I’m so glad we had power (before it went out)?
I’m so grateful my cat can keep his food down (when such is not now the case)?
I suppose it’s a bit like being grateful for sunshine in the midst of darkest night. The gratitude implies an element of faith. I’m grateful for the sun. I’m sure that I’ll see it again when night recedes.
It’s an odd thing to feel any gratitude for, but I am actually glad that my cat went through a similar episode back in March. That began early in the week, Monday or Tuesday, so I had four days to subject him to veterinary visits and an onslaught of drugs.
That episode was two weeks from beginning to end. He only improved after I contacted an animal communicator and received what I am confident was the most helpful course of treatment, from the cat himself.
The time at the vet wasn’t wasted. We did get a diagnosis of pancreatitis. Is this current disruption of the digestion a flareup? Is it the full moon tomorrow? Is he processing who-knows-what for our family or the collective as a whole?

The thing I am most grateful for at this moment is that I have not been overtaken by “it’s Saturday-and-the-cat-is-ill” panic. It doesn’t occur to me to drag him down to the 24-hour veterinary hospital to wait six or eight hours to see a vet.
I am about equally grateful that early today, I was reminded to perform due diligence with Spirit. I don’t often do automatic writing, but it occurred to me to do so. Part of the message was that this is a “transforming“ experience.
It is changing moment to moment. Whatever guidance I get right now may shift in a few minutes or hours. In mental all caps, with theater marquee lights, I’m told, keep checking in.
Because I like to extrapolate from the specific to the general, I suspect this message applies to the rest of my life as well. Perhaps even to many in the collective, to swarms of humanity.

Everything throughout the world appears to be changing with bewildering rapidity. What seemed valid yesterday or a week ago might be revealed as fallacious today.
There’s a saying, the only constant is change. I am being encouraged to embrace that truism rather than close my eyes and push it away as is my tendency.
I do have faith the sun will reappear tomorrow after the darkness of night gives up. I have faith my cat will consume with happy gluttony once again.
I have faith that I will remember to keep checking in and use the tools and guidance so freely and lovingly provided by Spirit. That might receive the biggest dose of gratitude of all.

In Darkest Night | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/09/2022 08:31:00 PM