(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
Apparently somehow, somewhere in Heaven there is a way to put all the bits back together again.
Picture a kaleidoscope.
All of those bits and pieces refract off into mirrored images that the viewer then sees as a constant changing design.
Those bits and parts are us.

Divided into soul fragments, we were brought here into this reality and turned around and around as we figure out how to be diverse. On top of that we were given cosmic amnesia.
And now we are suppose to remember we are all one?
Where oh where is that reverse kaleidoscope?
Should we call it the reconnectoscope?
sounds pretty funky. Like a Dr. Seuss machine.
We are humanity performing the greatest act in the Universe and all I come up with is a reconnectoscope?Okay I will have another go at this.I am going to call it A miracle-go-round.
That’s better.
That actually describes more what we feel we are up against. Bringing us all together will be an absolute Miracle.
In order to scoop up all the bits and pieces we will need another wonder machine.
Maybe one with an attachment out front with sweeping magnets slowly drawing us together.
First in little groups then into bigger groups. We get scooped up and plopped next to other groups.
We slowly start communicating with those next to us and realize we are not so different.
We might look different, act different, have different customs and ideas.
But we laughed at the same thing. We enjoyed sharing a moment.
We are now bonded at some level with little to no effort at all. The miracle is in progress.
Some differences are so contrasting it boggles the mind thinking these people will ever lower their defenses and step away from the fear that keeps them separated.
Differences are not opposing magnetic charges.
There is no negative and positive of our soul bits and pieces.
It was part of our mission to be different.
The extreme Polarity or the bifurcation we are currently experiencing is a created imposed manipulation.
True there may be natural divisions as the strengths and weakness of individuals emerge when trying to work with others.
Our strengths are our weaknesses and our weakest moments build our strength. This is part of the bonding that keeps balance within a group. Within ourselves.
Weaknesses serve a purpose.
One purpose may be to shine a light on another’s strong point.
Like a powerful speech, the words mean nothing without someone to listen. Without a listener the words would have no point. Good listening therefore becomes a strength and receiving creates the bond.
Within these sharing moments we find the opportunity to smile, laugh or show compassion.
So here we are.
Scattered about the planet living our lives, having experiences, developing our thoughts and ideas about things. Along came a situation that has brought us to a halt.
And in that pause we started to pay attention to everyone else.
We were told to be afraid of each other.
During this manipulation they tried to divide us and pit us against each other.
Somebody tried to smash all the kaleidoscopes and toss the bits away.
It didn’t work.
We are drawn to each other like magnets.
We bonded and laughed despite the fear.
We are the miracle that Heaven knew about. We are getting stronger still.
There is still a bit of smashing going on. They thought we would be weak. That made us strong.
The laughs and the smiles are growing and the connections are being made.
More and more each day we climb out of fear and recognize the bigger picture. We are remembering.
With all of the bits and pieces collected, we will be the fractal images of the most amazing Sacred Geometry the heavens have ever witnessed.

Not a mathematical impossibility when Miracle-go-round is at work.
The smashing will halt by our very act of bonding.
When that happens we will have heaven on earth.
We will be Heaven on Earth.
Fractals or Kaleidoscope | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/11/2022 09:27:00 PM