(Golden Age of Gaia)
The 3rd dimension is all about the contrast of opposites and operation within limiting conditions, it is conditional.
The 5th dimension is about no rules, no conditions, no boundaries, living unconditionally.
How do know when you are coming from 5th dimensional expression ? Purely and simply you are in your Heart Knowing, Being and Feeling.
Beautifully you have a physical location in the infinite field of your experiencing where You can focus and for the time being You can be located, and locate yourself, or where you reside … or at least it ‘appears’ So.
A vortex of your 5th dimensional consciousness projected into a physical manifestation that you gathered together, the Creator Soul Being you are..
And the power of the heart (your 5th dimensional Beingness) is reflected in the coherent waves you generate through your love, generosity, gratitude, graciousness, compassion, peacefulness, kindness and Innocence.
With the intense Sacred and unwavering Knowing that all beings are Precious sparks of the One.
Shine On
I So Love You
PS: We abide in stillness yet everything can be done (created) from where YOU are.
And after having rushed all over for so long getting nowhere, it is now somewhat strange but also delightful for you to be “here” at last.
With so many choices and no map. The change from having to be entertained, by fear, horror, other’s 3D baggage (an accumulated matrix of mismatches), as your own, to being entertainer of anything you choose to experience.
3rd and 5th Dimension | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/15/2022 09:15:00 PM