Enough, already! Enough!
By Steve Beckow, September 5, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
There’s so much bad news that I feel my stomach tightening up when I read my email, scan the news, or visit my favorite sites.
Even though I know the eventual outcome will be wonderful, I sag from time to time.
I’m to report the good, less of the bad, none of the ugly. But the ugly will flow. Or at least, let me rephrase that: The hearing and seeing of that which we’ll never forget will occur. Why? Apparently, this is what it’ll take so that this never happens again on Planet Earth. (1) We all must see and know what happened.
I began posting the Arcturian Group this morning. I seem never to fail to benefit from them and today was a lifesaver. I just needed to hear these words:
“Chaos reigns at this time. The old does not wish to leave behind that which they are comfortable with because it has become their security, sense of empowerment, and even self esteem because, not yet aware of who they really are, it allows them to feel “better than” others. Nothing is random. Know that third dimensional minds are not running the show even though they think they are.”
Thank you, thank you for reassuring me when my heart fails, even though I’ve worked with the Company of Heaven’s words for, lo, these many years.
The sheer weight of the daily news is overwhelming – whatever your country’s version of it is doesn’t seem to matter. People are dropping dead from vax shots. Farmers fields are being removed from production. Crickets are your next meal. The oil reserves are gone. The dollar’s value is falling. On and on the bell tolls.
I ask myself: When will the public wake up?
How many times has dystopia been described? 1984. Animal Farm. Soylent Green. Fahrenheit 451. I can’t remember all the films that foreshadowed what we’re going through.
And have we not watched enough documentaries on the rise of Hitler and the Nazis to see how we’re being played? Granted that this is a cloned, high-tech, super-soldier version, all the steps are the same. Naomi Wolf has described them (below this article). (2)
What will it take to wake us up? What will it take to have the whole world pay attention?
I spoke to that subject yesterday. (3) We usually consider what evil things the dark hats are doing but I have a feeling that the white hats are carefully orchestrating the threat level exactly so what I described – activating a collective soul capacity – occurs.
Without any taint of evil, addressing the world as a whole – isn’t that what the EBS hopes to accomplish? (4)
I think the white hats are carefully baiting the dark hats or allowing their moves to play out in order to scare the living daylights out of us. And I’m noticing fear entering my field of awareness.
And always there’s the omnipresent, invisible self-serving bias. Always the desire to represent myself as the hero of the piece. Being always vigilant around that adds to the overall fatigue. And dealing with it complicates matters.
I know I need to attend to the fear before it goes deeper and Michael has me on a stretcher for some exotic illness. If I don’t take care of it, I know he will.
I may have to “go ethnographic” for a while and take rest in whatever form I can until I’ve processed these first signs of fear and fatigue.
You have allayed our financial fears for another month, for which I deeply thank you. Financial fears are what usually stress me the most.
Ahhh, I see what it is. It’s the fear that the government will close down my bank account and that I will run out of money. That threat arose during the Truckers Freedom Convoy. I do a delicate dance each day, which I won’t discuss, to respond to this threat.
Even though Michael has reassured me endlessly that I’m protected and can speak out fearlessly, I’ve allowed fear in.
But I’ve gone on too long. Let me continue for now, in diary format, ethnographic account, autobiography, or stream of consciousness, simply to reduce the strain on myself right now and give me a chance to rest.
(1) “[We need] exposure so that it doesn’t re-entrench itself because this is rather entrenched behaviour on all kinds of levels.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020.) Exposure with neutrality and compassion.
(2) “Naomi Wolf: 10 Steps Necessary In Fascist Takeovers – And America In Comparison,” Truth and Action.org, at https://www.truthandaction.org/naomi-wolf-10-steps-necessary-in-fascist-takeovers-and-america-in-comparison/.
(3) “Activating a Collective Soul-Capacity – Part 1/2,” September 4, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/09/04/activating-a-collective-soul-capacity-part-1-2/
and “Activating a Collective Soul-Capacity – Part 2/2,” September 4, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/09/04/activating-a-collective-soul-capacity-part-2-2/
(4) Emergency Broadcating System. The ten days of global white-hat broadcasts on what is happening in the world.
What will it Take? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/05/2022 09:15:00 PM