The Morphic Field of Humanity and the Stargate Morphic Field – Part 2
Participant: As we individually uplift our daily reality, our vibration, our lives, our trajectory, how does that impact humanity as a whole?”
Alcazar: You are part of humanity. As many of you know, there is an energetic field that is created by the masses of humanity. We call it the morphic field or the morphogenetic field of humanity. It is an energetic field. You cannot see it, but you are connected to it. In these days where there is so much fear, so much separation, so much anger, so much pain, the morphic field of humanity is resonating with those lower frequencies and those can bring your energy down. What is occurring around your world is bringing the energy of so many people down into depression, suicide and so on. If you are aware that you are connected to the morphic field of humanity and you wake up one day and you feel so sluggish, so down, you cannot understand, why am I feeling like this? Check in. You'll probably feel there is a wave in the morphic field of humanity that has brought your energy down.
- Alcazar
Becoming Superconscious - Day 92