The Great Awareness | Heavenletters
SEP 21 2022
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Outside success is a thrill for a moment, and then you are left bereft. Inner success stays, for I come with it.
Inner success is a knowing. It is not contrary to outer success, but outer success by itself is a paper parasol. It twirls itself, but it twirls with effort, and it is not kept. It has its moment of glory, and then it fades and gets shattered. Only the eternal is kept. Only the eternal is.
Universal and eternal truths feed you. Truth relaxes you. It eases you. Parasols are pretty, but they can keep you from noticing My light, from even remembering it.
I am not something you force yourself to remember or to oblige. I am a memory of a happier time, but I come on My own. Yours is to let Me enter your awareness. You lift your heart like a warm blanket that welcomes a guest. Only this Guest is not shivering. It is you within the covers who shivers. The blanket is not enough. You need My warmth and My resolution, and I offer them to you. You offer your blanket, and you are warmed.
Yes, consider Me a guest. Just have Me in your awareness as I have you in Mine. You do not forget your guests. You welcome them.
I am not effort. I am not achieved. Performance does not bring Me. You do not set an alarm clock to waken you to Me. You merely set an intention. And awaken to Me you will, for that is My Will.
It is such a little thing to have consciousness of Our connection. It is not that you are indebted to Me. It is that you let Me endow you. Be the willing receiver of My goods. They are not stolen. They are yours. They have your name on them. They have been waiting for you to pick them up. Like a package at the post office, they wait for you. I wait for you. Your treasure waits for you.
Doesn’t your step quicken when you know something awaits you? That something has come for you? It is not more nor is it less when you know that it is there for you. It is the same whether you know it’s there or not. And yet…
Of course, you might stumble on your gift. Or someone might run after you and say they know you have a package waiting for you. Someone might. But you are the only one who can pick it up. You have to sign for it. First you pick it up, and then you have signed for it.
Anticipate this Great Awareness that is aware of you and holds itself in abeyance for your arrival. Do not wait for Me. Come pick Me up.
Most guests do not arrive uninvited.
The thing is you have invited Me. You may have forgotten that, and so I wait at the train station or the airport. Meanwhile, I am not idle. I send My scouts out for you. I send messages. I phone you. I cable you. My everpresent awareness takes care of you, yet I long to be your welcomed guest, picked up at the station.
Sometimes you like to be surprised. But there is no need to be surprised. Is not the anticipation of a guest a wonderful thing? You get ready. You make place. There is an alacrity in getting ready for a guest’s arrival. Imagine your alacrity in anticipating Me.
Well, anticipate. Am I your Host or your Guest? I am both. I am your Father. I am well-received. Awaken to My arrival. Tell Me to come in. I am at your door. Open it.
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The Great Awareness | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/21/2022 08:48:00 PM