(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
Life is a psyops.
Isn’t it?
Have we not been told that what is all around us is an illusion?
As the veil of illusion thins and we explore our purpose and learn of our soul missions, are we not also acknowledging life is not what we thought it was?
We are here to liberate humanity and the Planet from suppression.
We are here to live, love and raise our vibration.
We are here to remember who we are. And on and on.
There are a lot of ‘Why we are here’s’ going around.
It’s kinda like reading about, ” the real reason behind the Raid at Mar-a-largo” .
Peeling back the layers of deception, diversion and unraveling the complexity of it all makes one’s head spin.
I recently watched an interview of Ismael Perez by Kerry Cassidy.
Oh my. He is so gentle and soft spoken. LOL
Welcome to the Tigress, Ismael.
As one comment put it, Kerry runs more of an interrogation than an interview.
Like her style or not, I noticed that what she is attempting to do is pull back the layers and get to the bottom line. In her own words and I am paraphrasing here, She just wants to find the events and timelines that line up. She has been in this search for a long time and heard many stories that have not panned out. She is trying to find the stories that line up in sync.
Hmmm I am not sure that is truly possible.
Peel back a layer and you find another layer.
Each layer carries its own timeline and level of understanding and probably its own veil of illusion.
How can one get the same answer to a moving target. its over here, no.. now look over there.
And yet we try.
One common thread we hear from a variety of sources is that we, the collective conscious, have absolute influence on the unfolding events.
To that I say, “Awesome sauce”.
Until I look around and see the state of confusion we are in.
Then I say “oh dear”.
Back in the day, when I was deeply immersed in my Kundalini studies I recognized one of the running illusions.
I realized that while the collective was concerned about facing death or rather avoidance of facing death, that that wasn’t the right question.
Let’s assume that was a question.
My thought was, if we were so focused on death, what was the purpose of living?
I knew in an instant that we were here to live our lives, not plan for death.
Fast forward and many layers later, I find we are sitting on the precipice of a grand Ascension event. Whee..not death. Continued life.
But how exactly? The interrogator wants to know.
Is this part of the collective choice?
Or are we only influencing the timeline of an inevitable event.
Perhaps, A grand solar flash.
And then what?
I feel myself yanked back in time to the yoga studio. Placed in child’s pose, I ponder these points.
Is preparing for the Grand event, the solar flash, the ascension of humanity any different than preparing for death?
It feels kinda the same to me.
I decided once that my focus should be on enjoying life. Engage in the living. Be in the now.
I remind myself of that again.
I cannot know what the Grand Event #solar flash will bring.
Or how or when it will occur.
Nor can I answer the question of why the raid at Mar-a-Largo occurred.
They both matter not to my enlightened state of mind.
Will seeking answers to these questions really help?
And yet I try
I have seen clearly the oppression of humanity most of my life.
If we are on the mission of freeing Humanity from the grips of control and manipulation, I for one would like to stick around and enjoy the planet without all of that negativity.
This makes me smile at myself for thinking this is a better alternative to ascending into the 5D.
When I ascend I want to travel.
If I stay on planet I would like to travel.
So do I release my baggage or pack one?
For the moment, It will be a bit of both.
How would one choose between the two?
Is that even an option?
Is there an option menu?
Can we order extras with this Ascension package?
One cannot know.
And yet we try
Yes, life is a psyops.
but on the highest order. And if that order is from truth, from source, it is not a psyop at all.
If incarnation for a soul purpose , a soul mission was this operation. I am going to dub it a soul-ops.
And if we, the collective, are running the mission it would be a Co-op soul-op.
I am just going to leave it there.
I tried.
Bathing in the love