(Golden Age of Gaia)
I am sending you blessings of wholeness and connection as we meet together in the mystery of this moment. There is something I’ve been sitting with lately that has been weighing heavily on my heart. I wanted to share it with you for the opportunity it provides for us to connect and heal our fears on an even deeper level.
There was a time many years ago when I was intuitively told I’d live see my seventies. Then, during our recent Lion’s Gate portal, I was given an opportunity to process the inevitability of death from a much more intimate perspective. Feeling the presence of death like a familiar friend I have known from helping my Mom, Dad, and Grandmother each leave their bodies and return to the light, I was told by my Guides that I have about three years to live.
I asked questions of clarification, but I felt the profound sense was either this is the biggest ego death I will experience to date, an opportunity to experience a Saturn return years earlier than expected, an entry point into a new level of consciousness, or the actual signs of my physical passing — I am being asked to live the next three years of my life as if they are my final years on Earth.
What makes this revelation completely stunning is how I am responding. I am facing this feeling of death directly with absolute bravery, not wanting to empty my bucket list of unrequited experiences. Instead, I wish to spend it enjoying time with friends and family and offering my deepest teachings to you all — whom I love with all my heart. I will spend these next few years offering my teachings, writing at least two more manuscripts for my next two books, and perhaps most intimately of all, I will balance my eternal love of service with spending time with “Matt,” the one I have been so honored to be with throughout this incredible lifetime.
It’s difficult to put into words the shock and awe of envisioning all the goals I have set for myself over the next thirty years — only to release those goals like a sand mandala into the sweeping waves of the ocean. I hand it over, feeling a mixture of loss, expansion, confusion, and elation, even while I pursue these goals in present day. It is an inconceivably elegant balancing act between living as if your time is dissolving, while also moving toward all the experiences my heart yearns to have while I am here.
I hold space for this being an existential transition into a new level of embodiment and honor the aspects of ego that are ready to return home. I ask you to envision along with me living far beyond this three-year threshold while I do everything in my power to bring you the most incredible wellspring of channeled teachings that comes through me about awakening, self-realization, enlightenment, and how the waking up process can free us from endless healing cycles.
While this process can invite us into deeper connection and communion, I invite you to join me in not jumping to any conclusions. I am merely sharing my deepest experiences with you as a way of honoring our relationship and to inspire us as a community to face and process any wounds of loss or fears of death. May it inspire us all to awaken into even higher levels of consciousness.
May we walk each other home, making these next precious years the most miraculous of moments we’ve ever shared together and all in the name of love. While my entire life is run by a very precise depth of intuition, it feels incredibly intentional for me to explore the mystery of this moment on the Life’s precise terms and conditions. This is by far the deepest surrender of my life. As we walk together, may we experience the profound freedom of this depth of surrender — together as One.
May this change us for the better as we discover true freedom from suffering in its most tangible and authentic forms. Thank you for being one of my true loves.
May this moment allow us to embrace the mystery of life and to savor each moment as if for the very first time.
All For Love,
Our Time Together is Pecious | Matt Kahn
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/21/2022 04:11:00 AM