(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Sandra Walter
Blessings Beloveds ~
This is a unique Equinox. It may not feel like the typical balancing energy we anticipate at Equinox.
We are entering a new phase of the Ascension which amplifies realm choice, and thereby realm division. We cannot expect the same energies from alignments, dates, or events – or the same outcomes – any longer.
We focus on Zero Point as our balancing energy, and alignment with our highest trajectory. As these energies clarify, refine, and reveal what is in service to Divine Perfection, and what is not, our personal and collective trajectories sort out into harmonic bandwidths.
Source, the organic stargates, and Gaia are amplifying positive, unified, unconditional, Divinely neutral creation – for the higher realm Gaia experience that many refer to as New Earth.
This heightening of realm choice brings forth the inevitable side-effect of realm division. It is what it is. We are all part of the whole, it’s simply division of experience.
The higher vibration held by the I AM Presence activations this year allowed Gaia to co-create a supportive field of Infinite Kryst Light.
Our Presence event last week was an in-depth share on realm choice, transcending time, the new Infinite Kryst field, and a co-created activation that provided pure Presence. You may watch and listen to the 2 hour replay HERE.
Equinox and the Infinite Kryst Field
What seems chaotic in the external is actually more choice, more possibilities opening in our realities. Less density, less limitations.
We are accustomed to limited choices in density; this is a perfect Now to explore the limitlessness which Gaia shared earlier this year. We are open to the cosmos again and limitless possibilities for experiencing the multiple higher realms of Gaia, and of Source-as-Self.
The realm split opens us to more possibility, not a dualistic one reality or another.
In my experience with our groups, the purity of energy building from Zero Point Presence is astounding.
The Infinite Kryst Field
This new field of Infinite Kryst substance may appear as crystalline-gold-diamond in visions. For clarity: it is not a grid, gateway, or bridge. It is a supportive field co-created by activated hearts and DNA in these realms, and the Legions of Light in service to our process. It feels radiantly pure, yet somewhat surreal, because the pure Kryst/Christed/Crystalline/Unity Consciousness (all refer to the same thing) is a radically different vibration.
This field is a natural side-effect of collective Ascension. Crystalline DNA, Crystalline structures in our bodies, heart coherence, and the ability to hold the Presence as our primary focus changes the parameters for reality choice. We emanate a frequency harmonic that attracts and amplifies the higher realm experience – the Ascension experience – for all willing hearts.
The Higher Realms revealed this new field a few weeks ago, and Equinox is its full activation point. (How apt to resurrect a new Crystalline field of Divine Purity three days after the symbolic burial of the old system.)
Infinite Kryst Field Purpose:
To support the vibrational integrity of Gaia’s Crystalline realms and the Divine HUman through the realm shift.
This field supports:
– Divine Truth, Mastery, Revelation, Freedom
– Vibrational integrity of the body consciousness as it transforms to crystalline (less exhaustion, more Presence)
– Stability (mental, emotional, physical) during realm division and the migration of realities
– Realm choice and opening to infinite possibilities
– Transitioning to time-space flow (departing linear time)
Equinox Activation
Many have noted the new, unusual energy this month. It is important to align your choices as we experience this new level of Kryst/Unity consciousness in these realms.
Use this field as a responsible co-creator of Divinity (the ultimate Divine HUman!) Practice direct, clear focus to create your highest outcome in thought, word, action, feeling, and intention. Provide no energy (thought, word, action, feeling) to undesired outcomes. Let those undesired outcomes burn out a little faster, by starving them of your energy/focus.
Create your desired trajectory, which is built from infinite possibility, moment by moment. Connect with this new Infinite Kryst field and co-create with it. It is teaching us how to exist in, create in, and experience the higher realms of Gaia, right now.
We hold this Infinite Kryst field as a Divine interface with our Higher levels. It provides a more refined, pure experience of multidimensional oneness with our higher aspects and Divine support teams. A guided experience is provided in the Presence replays.
Equinox is Thursday, September 22 at 6:03PM PDT.
We will unify for a Global Unity Meditation at Equinox peak for 30 minutes, offline, focused on pure Unity and the full activation of the Infinite Kryst Field.
Prepare in this Now: Take a moment to connect with the Infinite Self, the new field, and the collective trajectories you most resonate with.
Perspective and vibrational attunement keep us walking through this with ease and grace.
Presence Event Replay:
– Alignment with our Higher Level’s true realm choice
– Infinite Possibility using timespace flow
– The Infinite Kryst field and how to use it
– Guided experiences for the Infinite Kryst, I AM Presence activation, Unity Consciousness
– What is ahead for the October shift, Eclipses and 2023
Access the replays HERE.
See you in the field on Equinox and for the SUNday Unity Meditations.
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,
Equinox, Realm Choice, and the Infinite Kryst Field | Sandra Walter
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/22/2022 09:22:00 PM