Monday, August 29, 2022
So that all may See | Heavenletters
So That All May See | Heavenletters
AUG 29 2022
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Heaven is like a gold chalice that pours out shimmering wine for you or sweet cream or the gold of itself molten. All your desires and all your fulfillment are poured down upon you from Heaven. Where do you think life comes from?
Certainly not from the seeming depths of despair dug up on Earth. Manifestation comes from somewhere. When you keep looking at the manifestation and not the somewhere, you feel futility. You keep hacking away at the same rocks or different rocks, and you wonder where progress is. You know where the hacking is, but the culmination of it escapes you.
Life on Earth is bounded. That is what the physical is. Fences everywhere. Signs posted. When your life extends to the physical only, you feel entrapped.
But the physical is only one dimension of the world you live in. When it is your entire focus, your joy is limited to the events and circumstances around you. The physical goes only so far. The physical leads you on. It promises you more than it can deliver.
All happiness is yours, but happiness is many-planed. It goes further than your eye can see. Happiness limited to one plane of existence is indeed limited. It will never satisfy you or for long. The purpose of your life is much more than satisfaction. Satisfaction cannot be the ruler of you because it will always abscond.
The vibrations of the physical world can vibrate only so high. And you have a vibration within you that goes much higher. When that higher vibration within you takes hold — or lets loose — you are singing a higher tune, and that tune you sing raises your life above its physical embankments. Your heart rises, and your life follows.
You have thought that your heart follows your life, but it is life that follows your heart. Your life is limited when your heart can only bounce up or down according to what is going on around it.
Your heart can inspire your life. You have experienced that, for when you are happy, what little thing can interrupt your happiness? Yesterday you were bothered. The outer events may stay the same, but today you are happy. The beat of your heart changed. A higher vibration is inviolable.
When this concept becomes part of you, when you understand greater, you will no longer wait for life to impart or impose itself upon you. You will not be so dependent upon the surface gloss of life.
I am talking about an inner radiance that is so bright and so far-reaching that it radiates itself beyond the physical borders. The physical borders are still seemingly there, but they are barriers no longer. You do not let them block your view. You see beyond.
All events take place in your mind. They are what you make them. If you do not like the events before you, see through them. See beyond. What you see beyond is not a mirage. The physical is the mirage.
You are lighted beyond measure. And all beings around you are lighted beyond measure. Surely you know that there is more than you presently see.
Your vision comes from your heart. Expand your heart, and your life will expand. Let your heart encompass the world, and your heart will not be encompassed. The Human heart hides from compromise. The heart is not an instrument meant to settle for less than its own fullness. There is a range of notes in your heart, and your heart wants to play all of them. Your heart is not meant to be conscripted. The measure of your heart is not to be taken by others. You are the measurer of it, and you already know that it is immeasurable, the realm of your heart.
Let your heart effulge its limitlessness in outgoing swirls of light so that all may see and be heartened by your heart.
Your thoughts commandeer your body. What you think and what you say influence your body. When you say you are always tired, the cells of your body hear that, and take it as a command, and they give you tiredness, for that is what you have said time and time again. Your body harkens to your thoughts and words. Say something else to the cells of your body. Thank them for the energy they give you. Thank them for all they do on your behalf. Tell them good stories about yourself. They will hear, and they will obey.
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