(Golden Age of Gaia)
August 24, 2022, jennifercrokaert.com
Jennifer: Greetings Ashian!
Ashian: Greetings and blessings to you all. Today we wish to discuss shadow energy.
Any energy can be shadow energy if it unbalanced. Generosity can be a shadow energy, if you feel it is a sign of weakness, or a virtue you cannot or should not hold. Kindness can be seen as weakness. Sensitivity can be also be seen as weakness.
And there are also the more traditional shadow energies, like pride, greed, arrogance, spite…
We wish to say, you are coming into an energy that is inviting ~ or even insisting! ~ that you see all energy as neutral. All energies are invited to be in balance. What is relevant is the degree. Are you in balance?
If you become overwhelmed by an emotion, it is likely you are submerged in your shadow. It is arising to be cleared. This is your cosmic, karmic moment to bring balance and forgiveness to that aspect of you.
You are no longer victims of your own lives. That time passed quite a while ago. If something is happening in your life that you do not like, that you do not consciously choose, then it is happening because your unconscious wishes you to see this part so that you may heal it.
There are no victims ~ controversial as that statement may seem to some. There is an infinitely wise, compassionate energy of creation that seeks for balance in all areas and aspects of life. Where there is imbalance, there is need for an infusion of love and kindness; so you may discern where you are giving away your power, where you are losing your love.
Approach your imbalances with compassion, with curiosity. What do they wish to share with you? What balance do they wish to express that you currently lack? It is a gentle exercise. There is no ‘wrong’ in this universe. Those who hold that view are looking for a 3D right/wrong model. It does not exist beyond the 3D vision.
You are masters and creators of the 5D. Do not give into any argument that wishes to rob you of your power and mastery by making you a victim. You create to experience balance. You create to experience your mastery in form, in action.
When you are overwhelmed, rise to the challenge. The universe is shouting loudly for you to see imbalance, so that you may create balance. There is only love; an intelligent, compassionate love that is beyond any love fathomable.
And at the centre of that love, there is you. The everything and the nothing. You are an expression of the Divine creative form in flow.
Listen to the song of your life and see where the notes are too sharp. What events, circumstances or people are overwhelming you, limiting you or causing you to lose faith in yourself? Balance invites you deeper within.
J: Thanks Ashian, that’s pretty much my work at the moment.
A: You are not alone. None of you are. You are discerning for the collective, creating knowingness, grids or codes that can be used by those who come after you to help them discern their balance. We are with you in this and in all things. You are all blessed for the work you are doing for yourself and for the collective.
J: Thanks Ashian, it’s good to know, because it can feel like we’re spinning furiously on our own hamster wheels and achieving… a spectacular amount of not a lot!
A: That is not the case. You are weaving with the stars, with the cosmic energy of the Divine to create a brighter future for all beings on your planet and far beyond. One day soon, you will see that.
J: Thank you, that’s reassuring.
A: It is a collective tapestry, because you only see the colour of wool you are weaving does not mean you are working alone. You will see your tapestry, gentle hearts of pure love. You will see it.
J: Thank you so much, Ashian.
A: It is always our pleasure to assist and uplift.
Copyright © 2022 Jennifer Crokaert www.jennifercrokaert.com You may also like to check out my YouTube channel
Shadows Show Imbalance | Ashian via Jennifer Crokaert
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/26/2022 01:43:00 AM