(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
Have you ever been to The Butchart Gardens in Victoria BC?
If you haven’t been, I highly recommend it. Plan to spend a good many hours. It’s not something to rush through. The appeal to gardens is spending time in them.
They have other attractions as well. The one I have been thinking about is the butterfly display.
This is a room filled with living butterflies. Just amazing to behold when they have hatched and are fluttering about in all their glory.
The butterflies are literally dancing when they flutter and fly about from blossom and bud then to rock or sand drinking fountain .
I think about how wonderfully free and undisciplined they seem. The motion makes me laugh and reminds me of my thought patterns.

This is how my spirit works with ideas. They hatch in my mind then break free and start fluttering about.
No, my ideas are not disciplined. A crosscut view into my mind would show you a room full of meandering butterflies. Kind of a bit of chaos really.
But whoever said thoughts from the Divine had to be a certain structure and disciplined with defined order. Not me.
My ego might however.
Now let’s take a handful of those butterflies and put them into a canister that represents my ego brain.
Let’s say it’s a see through tubular much like the bankers drive up window canisters. There is that clever little door that flips open so things can get placed in or taken out.
Can you imagine the butterflies banging around, bumping up against the walls and running into each other? The space is confined, closed and limited in options. That’s kinda how my ego is with many of my ideas.
My higher self scolds my ego once in a while and says ‘now ego, let those ideas go’
My ever tricky ego agrees and turns the canister door onto the side and lets it pop open.
‘There ,’ it agrees, ‘The door is open, they can go free. ‘
But you see there is a problem with this.
When trapped, the butterflies only know to fly up.
I don’t know why exactly. I have watched them. Is it stress? Is it panic?
I have a small greenhouse with the doors wide open because, well, it’s summer.
There is a 2 -3 foot height above the top of the door. so when butterflies flutter happily in they can’t seem to find their way back out. They constantly fly towards the door then up into the corner of the roof and bang, bang, bang against the plastic.
I think my ego knows about this dynamic. It tries to say ‘hey there is an opening over here. I have met my obligation.’
This is still a form of control.
In the meantime the sweet butterfly, and yes I am still talking about inspiration from source as an idea thought forms, still feels trapped.
Several things may happen here and now I am projecting upon the butterfly now because I don’t really know what they feel.
Several things can happen when you cannot express yourself freely.
First thing you can do is keep banging against the establishment. Oh ahem, I mean plastic.
When you get tired, you can rest then go try again.
Or give up and eventually transcend.
Maybe you can prolong life and be happy living off the weeds or find a flower for survival purposes.
Not a quality existence, but hey what can one do? Happens to moths all the time.
No offense to moths. I really do enjoy them. But they always end up toast in the oddest of locations.
Anyway, not to be doom and gloom. There is a fantastic ending to this story.
That is back to the ego.
The ego needs to play fair.
The real solution is to turn the opening towards the sky and let those ideas and inspirations soar free. Let those butterflies loose to explore the world, share their ideas of things and beautify the world.
The ego however may not be programmed to play fair.
It may only be willing to say ‘I have met my obligation, the rest is not my responsibility.’
How often have you heard egos state this?
So now it is up to the butterfly to realize a different way.
We are meant to be free. We are free. When will we realize it?
Sorry, there I go again being loose with my metaphors. I mean, my thoughts are free to fly.
Sometimes the answer isn’t always where you think it should be.
It could be a matter of redirecting.
One just needs to realize that sometimes one needs to go down before going up.
Perhaps taking a step back, survey the situation, even if its awkward or counter intuitive, one will see the open door is right there.
Once we find it, there is nothing stopping the freedom that awaits.
And now I want to clarify this process as my ego.
When my ego is willing to work with the whole of me. it will benefit as well.
I can have endless inspirations that manifest themselves in multiple ways to benefit the living organism of self.
An example of this might be the day I am actually inspired to clean my house. Or make a fantastic dinner. Or to bless my water.
We all benefit with these ideas.
And by ‘we’ here I am talking about the trinity of me. Me, myself and I. My body, my soul and my ego.
My ego is capable of this but it took a lot of healing and releasing to reprogram it.
When we are allowed free thought and free sharing, as in the micro to macro , it is the same.
Think of the benefits of free energy. We already have it. We just don’t know it yet. And why not?
Because the ‘ego’ isn’t playing fair.
Yes, I mixed my metaphors again.
That’s because my thoughts are like dancing butterflies.
Structure is but a flower to be sampled but not confined to.
Thank goodness for all of the Gardens out there.
We need all varieties. Even those that hold to certain structures.
As long as we see the open door.
Let the hatching begin.
Let the healing begin.

Much love to all
Dancing Butterflies | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/26/2022 01:45:00 AM