Submitted to Voyages of Light on August 13, 2022
My Dear Ones,
I am Siddhartha Gautama, called by everyone Lord Buddha, happy to connect to everyone through the Universal Channel.
I am here today as Ascended Master to help with your enlightenment during the Ascension process. Many outworlders are daily meditating to help your transition to a new reality into higher dimensions. All of you are going to leave this illusion, which never meant to be real, and enter the next step of evolution.
Everything what represents old Earth, it will be left behind together with negative energies of 3D Matrix. Dark Souls can’t win war against Light. The balance will be restored on your planet. This liberation is overdue on Mother Earth. You have been living in a dream state for millions of years. It’s time to realize, who you are.
You didn’t come here just to age. and leave eventually the physical vessel. Your genetics were manipulated to give you a short life spam up to 100 years. Also, you have been forced by Dark Souls to reincarnate many lifetimes. You were never able to fulfill your mission to help to transition to New Earth. Billions of souls got stock in this part of Milky Galaxy. This reality is going to dissipate in order to stop the pain and suffering of humankind.
Bad things that happened to your kind are going to be forgotten. Please, always stay in the Now and don’t get attached to the past and future. The Golden Age is coming to the ones who trusted the Divine Process and diligently participated in daily meditations.
Your are responsible for own destiny and don’t expect to be rescued. As soon you realize that you are more then just a body, that you are Divine Soul, who traveled through Galaxies, Stars Systems and Universes. Diseases and aging were engineered by the Dark Ones. The illusion kept you enslaved in holographic world.
What you see now, it will be gone, you can’t build Golden Age on the ashes of 3D. My Dear Ones, practice meditations and keep visualizing Golden Age on Mother Earth. Thank you Universal Channel. Please, accept my Strength and Light.
Nirvana just in reach of your hand.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Buddha via Erena Velazquez | August 13, 2022
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/14/2022 01:14:00 AM