Tuesday, August 2, 2022

All Part of the Oneness | Alcazar Quotes

All Part of the Oneness

This whole physical dimension, the vastness of this universe is just a small part of the infinite void. There are so many dimensions held within the void. There are multiverses held within the void; some of these other universes are very similar to your own physical one. Some of the multiverses exist on other planes of reality. This energy that we call Spirit, this consciousness is continuing to expand and grow through you, and through beings like you, and through beings who are not at all similar to you. They are all part of the Oneness. They are all a part of Spirit, all manifestations for Spirit to experience itself. And when you drop the body, you get a glimpse again, of where you have come from. And then, with great joy, great love and excitement, you plunge back into another body. Yes, you are here in humanity for the duration. You are here to see this planet become part of the galactic family. You are here to guide humanity into an enlightened civilization. And you are doing well. You are doing exceedingly well.

- Alcazar

Easter Intensive 2022 - 1.9 Full Session - The New Vibration of Love