(Golden Age of Gaia)
I figured I would share a brief summary on what I have noticed going on in the body during these intense energies. I definitely feel everyone is on their own timelines per their own bodies and each is subject to different physical sensations or moods.
What I have noticed:
We are upgrading the Light-body.
Overall FLU like “symptoms”, Frequency Light Upgrades. The body is processing an immense amount of light and releasing on a cellular level.
The energy has to have somewhere to go and will show up as “symptoms”
Crown expansions- This feels like movement or pressure, can feel out of body if that makes sense.
Minor/major headaches, rotational energy, dizziness, feelings of vertigo, which is the human acclimating to higher states of consciousness
Feeling the recalibration or rewiring of the left & right hemispheres of the brain. These sensations are felt on the top of the skull to the sides/back
Zeal chakra Mouth of God, coming online, a resonant energy, a warmth, achiness in the joint at the base of the skull to the neck
Eye pain, itchiness or irritation
Ear pains, hearing light frequencies sounds/tones, tuning in or being more aware of higher guidance. Hearing frequency bandwidths, this feels like a dispersal of energy
Throat soreness, going hoarse or changes in the tone of the voice
Heart brief moments of pain, tightness in the chest, palpitations, but also noticing awareness in your heart center, feeling your body in your heart if that makes sense, chest congestion, cough,
Waves of nausea, feelings of being full or hungry, digestive issues, feeling the expansion and contraction of energy in the torso of the body, molecular structure is changing, rib soreness, Bones and Blood are upgrading
Kidneys flaring up, this is collective fear
Feeling bursts of energy, not uncomfortable, kundalini fire is active, potential kriyas
Skin flare ups, itchiness, rashes
Muscles feel weak and lethargic, dense or heavy. Joints are achy, I have noticed hips, and shoulders. Hips are the fear of moving forward, shoulders are trying to protect yourself.
Knees aches in the joints or popping, ego structure transforming
Feelings of receiving and transmitting energy, this feels like jolts or waves of energy coming in from the Soul Star Chakra, moving through the body, entering the Earth Star Chakra, and can also show up as nerve pain moving through the body, sensory upgrades
Moods, fluctuation, extreme “highs/lows” (or you maybe somewhere in between), although the ability to notice is becoming easier, processing quicker, sleepy/groggy, connecting with your team in dreamstate, super Galactic & Angelic Vibes, Multi-sensory perceptions coming online
If you feel called to rest, Rest, if you feel called to detach, disconnect, if you feel called to be in nature, Go outside, whatever the case maybe for you follow your inner guidance, drink lots of water, this helps the cells process energy quicker and easier.
Always follow your own internal guidance system when it comes to anything that you are feeling, physically, mentally, emotionally.
Love yourself through it.
What is Happening in the Body | Jessica Woods
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/22/2022 01:06:00 PM