Submitted to Voyages of Light on July 16, 2022
Greetings Humans,
I am Vrillon from Ashtar Galactic Command, and I am speaking to your race on behalf of your Galactics Brothers and Sisters. This is my second contact since 1977, which happened through the UK Television local channel.
I am here today to express our concern about your planet’s fate. We let Universal Channel to see and experience in her dream the consequences of a nuclear war on Earth. She saw the vision as the Star War, where everything was destroyed and only few survived the cataclysm. This is a realistic possibility with your corrupted governments in charge. They are in panic, as all their plans are falling apart each day more and more. The Evil so desperate to stay in the control of your planet that they would sacrifice themselves just to stay on the top.
They have been trying to start World War 3, so far their attempts were prevented. Your Alliance needs to start moving with no more delays, as soon as possible remove one by one Satanic entities from Earth. Daily meditations are expected from every human to help to keep raising Collective Consciousness.
Your race aware that the Light has been in war with Evil for al long time, not just on your planet and other Universes, Galaxies and Star Systems. Take advantage of Divine Timing by taking the power into your hands to save yourselves and your planet. Don’t wait too long and do the global clean up from all unfriendly entities including some Outworlders.
You are have only two choices, one is to move to a higher dimensions as civilization, and the second one let the Elite to eliminate a whole population together with planet. Your race needs to make the decision very soon, so you can start new history of human civilization. Send the Evil back from, where it came.
We observe the events on Earth from our ships. We keep your skies safe. The ground work is expected from everyone, who came here to save this part of Milky Galaxy. We are all connected through Universal Consciousness.
We are Sending Our Supreme Love.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Vrillon via Erena Velazquez | July 16, 2022
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/16/2022 11:05:00 PM