The Ongoing, Never-Ending Game Changer | Steve Beckow

King Arthur’s Roundtable: The epitome of conciliar government

By Steve Beckow, July 24, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

We won’t escape world government. The question is: Are we capable of creating one that can resist the use of violence and corruption by a minority to win control over the rest?

The cost of the Second World War was very high in both lives and values. I’m not sure how we can hold our head up high as a race of beings after what we did then. And after. It never stopped.

And here we see the virus of elitism having spread throughout the world, the very virus behind WW2.

Tom Hanks is rumored to have said, on the day of his alleged execution, “You’ll never stop us. We’re everywhere.”

Well, of course, we won’t have to. The timelines will take care of it. What we’re here for, I think, is to see that as many people as want to come with us do so by being made aware of the opportunity.

What happens after that is determined by physics: Either we can handle the demands on us of the more refined vibrations or we can’t. Extent of lovelight assimilated is the travel ticket, we’re told. Beyond that, we’re asked not to judge. So all aboard!


In my view, we won’t escape the need to hear the whole of the voice of humanity in our future world, with no one excluded and all of equal stature.

Some organization – most likely a council – will arise to assimilate the people’s will and make decisions in its name.

Councils will arise at all levels, I believe.

What is left is defining where their power comes from, whom they serve, and what their mission is. Their performance depends on the integrity and knowledge of the council’s members.

We have space-travelling federations like the Galactic Federation of Light or the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, with their attached councils.

We have planetary councils of ascended masters like the White Brotherhood.

We have universal councils like the one that designed our Ascension, of which Matthew Ward was a member. (1) Here Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn describes two of them:

“At the 2012 Transition, responsibility for the Earth passed to the Higher Dimensional Council of Elders and the Council of Earth Keepers. These are the Light Councils that determine the direction and evolution of your planet. You work with them when you meditate for Changes, for Peace, to end suffering and to create the New Earth.” (2)

Conciliar government seems to be a theme in the higher dimensions.


The best-loved example of this form of government in the Anglo-Saxon collective mythology is King Arthur and his Knights of the Roundtable. The high ideals of the Roundtable continue to inspire.

Gone will be the parliaments and congresses composed of hundreds and hundreds of members. If we’re ascended, we’ll have no need for most of the restrictions we have now from government and no lack of any kind that cannot be easily addressed. So the need for governance will dramatically shrink.

And of course, if we’re ascended, the love we’ll be immersed in will be the ongoing, never-ending game changer. When we’re drowned in that love, everything will work. Councils will work. Fleets will work. Banks, the military, medicine, educators – all will work, because of that love.

Merely writing about it has landed me in bliss again. This reward is immediate and fully satisfying. The only thing missing is having the rest of the world in this space. But that’s coming.


(1) “As one of the highest universal council’s designers of the master plan for Earth’s Golden Age, I could give you firsthand information about it.” (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 3, 2014.)

(2) Archangel Michael: The Inevitability of Change and Deep Dreaming with Gaia……A New Communion of Light,” channeled by Celia Fenn, October, 2013 at
The Ongoing, Never-Ending Game Changer | Steve Beckow The Ongoing, Never-Ending Game Changer | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/25/2022 01:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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