Thursday, July 14, 2022
Share Where there is Receptivity | Alcazar Quotes
Share Where There Is Receptivity
The throat is this organ of speech expression. In the past the truth has not been welcomed here [in humanity]. Now it is time for the higher truths to be known and to be shared. Visualize the Stargate in your throat area. And ask the Stargate to raise its vibration, to shift up into a higher frequency and allow it to vibrate at higher frequency in your vocal centers. Are you ready to speak your truth more freely when it can be received? Are you ready to share who you are with those who are ready to welcome you? And so now, can you make a commitment to yourself, a commitment to speak more clearly, more truthfully in those environments where your truth can be heard? Can you make this commitment to yourself? And if you have done so, ask now for the priestesses of Avalon to bless your abilities to speak your truth and to share your love through your words and your actions. Asking the priestesses to bless your abilities to communicate in love and in truth. Notice we are simply asking you to share where there is receptivity. We are not asking you to go and preach to those who do not wish to hear. But with this commitment to yourself to your own truth, you will find there will be those drawn to you in your daily life who are open to hear that which you might have to share.
- Alcazar
Accelerated Ascension, Glastonbury 2022 - Session 3 Full Audio