By Steve Beckow, July 22, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I think we may have misunderstood the notion of selflessness. And our misunderstanding has us shy away from the concept.
Yes, forget about the egoic personality that we call a “self.” But, no, don’t forget about the Universal Self, Higher Self or just plain Self that exists at a higher level.
We go through lifetimes misidentifying ourselves as our bodies and later as our egoic selves or personalities.
I think I described that tendency and point of view as well as I ever will in “Basic Third-Dimensional Illusion.” (1)
We appear to be separate. The cosmic order seems to favor the strongest. We see ourselves as engaged in a struggle for survival in which only the fittest will survive.
Historians call these beliefs “social Darwinism.”
They’ve led to this: Where a small elite is trying to win control of the world and reduce the global population to 500 million, who’ll serve the ruling class.
That elite, by its own will, symbols, and admission, serves Satan, sacrifices humans, drinks their blood (adrenochrome), and eats them.
But who will believe that unless they see and experience it for themselves or are shown it in films like Frazzeldrip and on TV?
It gets more diabolical. We probably haven’t even scratched the surface of what’s going on out there.
A process of revelation is what we’re going through now and will be going through in earnest at a future date.
I have no interest in delving into dark corners, but some coverage is going to be unavoidable.
My egoic self is changeable and hence not eternal. It changes by consulting its own interests, predominantly if not exclusively.
But, when I come from my higher-dimensional Self, as I do when in transformative love or bliss, I have an innate knowledge that I’m not my body but an immortal Spirit. My view of my interests changes.
That knowledge, combined with the overflowing love I feel, allows me to stand back and see to the needs of others first. I’m not going to die. And I have all that I need in this love.
“First” not “only.” If I leave myself out of the equation, I get burnt out and have to drop out of service.
How I feel in an egoic state is lacking, insufficient, in need. That entirely shuts down the capacity to feel and breathe into a divine state. No love there.
How I feel in a divine state – which is the same as to say, in touch with my Higher Self – fills me with love, utterly satisfies me, and allows me to stand aside and let others drink at the spring.
So selflessness does not mean the abandonment of Self. But it does mean the abandonment of the attachment to the egoic self. The distinction between the two of them (self and Self) is more basic than anything else I can think of.
(1) The illusion is that “we are separate selves struggling for survival amid seeming scarcity. (“Basic Third-Dimensional Illusion: Separate Selves Struggling for Survival amid Seeming Scarcity,” May 17, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/05/17/basic-third-dimensional-illusion-separate-selves-struggling-for-survival-amid-seeming-scarcity-2/.)
Selflessness: A Misunderstood Quality | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/22/2022 01:09:00 PM