Moving Through the Illusion | Sananda via James McConnell

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by James McConnell

I am Sananda. I am here to be with you in these times as yes, indeed, you are moving through the various vibrational frequencies, the various dimensions. You are traversing them, as one gave earlier in your discussion. You are moving freely through them because you have the awareness to do so.

How many across the planet do not have that awareness? Do not even know that they are in third dimension, or that there are dimensions beyond. So they would not know that they are traversing, just as you are. But it is awareness that is enabling you to do so, awareness as you have moved already from the third dimension, and the illusion within that third dimension, into the fourth and beyond into the fifth.

Many times you find yourselves in the fifth dimension, and even beyond that. Because you have those moments, those moments of immense joy and bliss within you, even if you do not know where that is coming from. But it is there. And in those moments you are in that fifth dimension and beyond.

The only thing that draws you back is the programming, the programming that continues to hold you back. The memories. The memories that encompass the programming. Can you just let go of those memories and that programming? It is difficult, but yes you can. But there are many tools that you have been given to work through this. But understand that nothing is holding you back except for yourself, except for your mind that continues to hold you back in at times within that illusion. Even though you know at this time that there is no illusion. That you have moved beyond it.

More, and more, and more, you need to continue to trust yourselves. Trust in your knowing, your inner knowing. Not the knowing that the ego or the mind continues to hold you to. Not that knowing, but the inner knowing. The inner voice that speaks to all if they would but listen. And when you listen, when you listen to that wee, small voice within you, you are fully aware of who you are. Then you find yourself free and freely within the higher dimensional frequencies of the higher fourth and fifth dimension.

Most of the time now, as one said earlier, you do reside within the fourth dimension and are traversing through it, no longer in the third dimension. But that is only for those that do not have the awareness. But you know, you know that you are free, free to move about as you wish. As long as you continue to understand that and believe that, and fully know that, then there is nothing, and no thing, that can hold you back any longer.

For you are remembering who you are. You have traversed these difficulties before in other times, other places. This is why all of you, all of you the Lightworkers and Warriors, the Light Community, this is why all of you have awakened and are ready to move on, ready to fully move beyond the illusion or the veil that is, indeed, no longer there.

So trust, trust in yourselves, trust in the plan, the Great Universal Plan, that you are all bringing about in every moment.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would continue to believe and trust in yourselves fully.
Moving Through the Illusion | Sananda via James McConnell Moving Through the Illusion | Sananda via James McConnell Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/27/2022 10:45:00 PM Rating: 5

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